Chapter 16.

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Chapter 16. The Outline Is So Good

    This place is next to Zhuangzi next door. In terms of distance and suitability, it is not the best choice for planting vegetables. A few days ago, Meng Wan Tao Riri brought Xiao Ci and the three of them to plant vegetables. vigilant.

    Even though their masters and servants have been keeping themselves safe for the past few days, and they are really just growing vegetables, they still haven't dispelled their doubts.

    They have seen the situation of the slow and the figure a lot. The master has a special status. Anyone who tries to get close cannot relax their vigilance, not to mention that Meng Wantao has a lot of doubts.

    Gong Jue knew about Meng Wantao the day after Meng Wantao came to grow vegetables here. She is a beautiful lady with good cooking skills. Even growing vegetables is too versatile.

    There was no abnormality until the vegetables were planted. Gong Jue was just a little suspicious. There was no substantial evidence to prove that she had a problem, so she didn't care too much. The three maids came.

    As soon as you look up, you can see the courtyard here. It is impossible to say that you have not inquired about it.

    Therefore, as soon as Meng Wantao arrived, he reported to Gong Jue over there.

    Hearing from the guard that Meng Wantao came here to catch and roast fish in the pond, Gong Jue ordered people to keep an eye on him.

    Meng Wantao didn't know at all, she just finished her work and wanted to take a break and relax. If she took Xiaoci and the others for an autumn tour, she would attract dozens of pairs of eyes.

    She didn't even know that from the time she grilled the first fish, Gong Jue smelled it for how long she had grilled it.

    She reported that she did not have any special techniques for grilling fish, and the seasonings used were very common, but they were particularly fragrant. This led to Gong Jue, who had always had a poor appetite, and did not eat lunch.

    It is a common occurrence that the master does not eat. Sometimes he is in a bad mood and eats less, and sometimes he is too busy to eat. Everyone is used to it, but today’s lunch, Lao Qiong and other guards feel that , It's related to Miss San Meng who is grilling the fish to make the smell full of fragrance. Of course, no one dares to say this.

    When Meng Wantao arrived, the four masters and servants had enough to eat and drink, thinking that they would definitely return, but they fell asleep under the shade of a tree.

    Obviously, I can go back to the yard after a walk and have a good rest, but I have to sleep outdoors, which is really too deliberate.

    Gong Jue also came out of the study at this time.

    He was busy all morning, and listened to Meng Wantao's words and deeds all morning. He heard the guard say that the four master and servant were sleeping under the tree by the pond, and Gong Jue's expression did not change much. , but the breath around him has sunk.

    By the time Dazao and Xiaozao left, Meng Wantao and Xiaoci had not returned, and continued to stay by the pond.

    Seeing that they were at ease and started the second round of grilling fish, Gong Jue watched for a while, then raised her eyebrows slightly.

    I've seen it twice before. Instead of being so suspicious, it's better to take a closer look at what she's thinking.

    So there was just this scene.

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