Chapter 71

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Chapter 71. Why does the back of the scheming look so like A Fu? ...

    This jade pendant was left to him by Concubine Gong Jue's mother.

    At that time, his mother and concubine left a lot of things, and he only kept this one.

    Because it has been worn on the neck for many years, and later on the waist, not many people have seen this jade pendant.

    Yiyang's winter feast.

    There were too many dignitaries in the capital, and it was impossible to predict what kind of people Meng Wantao would meet.

    Even if he understood that the power of those two imperial edicts was still there, no one would be so stupid to provoke Meng Wantao at this stall.

    Even if there is no need to worry, Meng Wantao should have such an accessory when he first appeared in such a public place.

    What good things can be sent from the Earl's House?

    Not worthy of her.

    Meng Wantao was still absent, Gong Jue had already started to work consciously.

    It wasn't until a gust of wind blew that Meng Wantao recovered from his trance.

    She turned her head and saw that Gong Jue was seriously whipping cream.

    I don't know what to think, the corner of Meng Wantao's mouth suddenly raised.

    Aware of her gaze, Gong Jue raised her head.

    The two looked at each other, and seeing her smiling, Gong Jue also smiled: "I'm familiar with these processes, you can rest for a while."

    Meng Wantao only smiled and didn't speak. When he got up, his eyes fell to his waist. On the jade pendant, the smile in his eyes deepened.

    She went back to the main house, came out shortly after, put on her apron and got down to business.

    When she walked to Gong Jue's side to take over, Gong Jue's eyes swept to her waist.

    Although he was wearing an apron, he could clearly tell that the jade pendant was picked by Meng Wantao.

    Gong Jue frowned immediately.

    Noticing his expression, Meng Wantao leaned over to him and explained in a low voice, "I have to work, walk around, and easily bump it. I'll put it away first."

    The doubts between Gong Jue's eyebrows disappeared.

    Suddenly, neither of them spoke again. The quiet and silent atmosphere made Meng Wantao feel a little strange and uncomfortable.

    It was like something sticky was wrapping her around, making her breathless, but she didn't really want to go away, so she could only stay in place in such an uncomfortable and chaotic manner.

    After a long while, Meng Wantao finally adjusted her mood. She raised her eyelids and glanced at Gong Jue. Seeing that his face was as usual, he was helping with his work as usual, so don't be more calm.

    Meng Wantao was a little surprised, what happened to her just now?

    People are so calm, why is she so uncomfortable as if she stole something?

    When he was about to retract his gaze, Gong Jue blinked slightly and raised his hand to pick up the tools on the shelf. With this movement, his head naturally turned away, revealing a perfectly-line neck and jawline.

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