Chapter 109

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Chapter 109. Night Attack Meng Wantao stood at the door with a blank face

    After Gong Jue left, Meng Wantao didn't go to rest immediately, but instructed Xiaozao and the others to deal with some backlogged orders.

    The business in the shop was afraid that it would be cold for two days, but it didn't hinder it. The business of their shop was too hot. Now that it has cooled down, it was within her initial expectations. She did not have any gaps.

    Just these few days, she has a lot of things to do, so she can't get away from it.

    Furthermore, their orders are still very popular.

    Order maintenance alone is already very good.

    The store is cold, the stock can be reduced appropriately, and the order is increased by half.

    By the time it was over, it was late at night.

    The new house is not only furnished with new furniture, but other facilities are also in place.

    Heating is especially perfect. Meng Wantao was sitting on the warm bed writing lists and notes. After a short while, his forehead was sweating because of the heat, so he had to take off his jacket and only put on his underwear.

    After a while, I felt that it was inconvenient to wear my underwear, so I went to the closet by myself... Today I was busy with all the clothes in the closet and didn't have time to clean up. I found the newly made pajamas, and after changing them, I finally felt comfortable. Keep writing the list.     Xiaoci and the others have been tired all day today. They are tidying up their things, and they are on their way. Although the house is new, it will not be crowded for a long time, so there are a lot of places to clean up.     But even if they were tired, the three of them weren't very sleepy—excited.     Such a big house.     It was a big mansion in a particularly expensive area of ​​the capital. In their opinion, the yard where Zhuang Zishang lived was already very good, and they didn't expect to live in a better one.     Xiao Ci and Xiao Zao didn't sleep either, they squeezed into the same bed, chatted, chatted, and happily joked there.     Dazao is much more stable than the two of them. Although she couldn't sleep, she didn't quarrel. She just lay on the bed and pondered carefully how she would accomplish the things that the young lady had ordered.

    The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and they are not many people, so she has to plan carefully, and she must do everything properly a year ago, so that the lady can have a peaceful New Year.

    She lay down for a while, and when she saw the light in the main house was still on, she hesitated, got up, put on her clothes, and knocked on the door.

    "Come in." Meng Wantao continued to write the list without raising his head.

    This detailed greenhouse plan is almost finished.

    "Miss," After Dazao came in, seeing Meng Wantao writing on the case, he said softly, "Aren't you going to sleep yet?"

    Meng Wantao heard the voice, raised her head and smiled at her: "Immediately Just go to sleep, why are you awake?"

    Dazao smiled: "I can't sleep, I saw that the light is still on in Miss's room, come and see if Miss has any orders."

    "Go to sleep," Meng Wantao said with a smile "I've been very busy these days, so I have to rest."

    Dazao hesitated for a while, and said, "The new house is so big, do you plan to buy some more people to serve?"

    Meng Wantao stopped writing and looked up. : "It won't be available for the time being, and I won't need so many people. Take a look at this..."

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