Chapter 54

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Chapter 54. Assisting Gong Jue for a while before taking back his sight

    After being with the master for so many years, it's hard to tell what happened next, but Li Qu knows better than anyone about beauty.

    The master is not interested in women.

    This is what he has learned over the years.

    It's not that no one is leaning towards the master.

    Even noble ladies admired their masters, and many courtiers who were highly respected in the court, tried to be matchmakers for their masters. Even the late emperor Taifu took the initiative to ask the masters, not to mention those who were related to the royal family. But the master all refused.

    Not only him, but the whole capital thinks that he has no interest in women.

    It's not that Li Qu didn't think that someone would one day be tempted by the master and become the mistress of the palace, so that at least the master was no longer alone.

    But as time went by, this thought became weaker and weaker, especially because there were too many people approaching the master with ulterior motives. By now, this thought has almost disappeared.

    Unexpectedly, the master suddenly became attracted to Miss Meng San.

    This is really - unexpected.

    Li Qu's mood was extremely complicated. Looking at the two people in the yard who were still busy making food, he simply didn't know how to describe the situation.

    No wonder.

    No wonder they have power over the government and the opposition, and the masters of gold and jade always come here from time to time to help with housework.

    Before, he helped unload the goods and did some physical work. Later, he helped with the processing of the ingredients. It was also because the amount of ingredients was too large, so the more people would be faster. Then, later...

    He originally thought that the master was because he liked Meng San very much. Miss cooking.

    Now, he finally understood.

    At the beginning, he wanted to be different, and the master's favorite was clearly the person who cooked food.

    How should I put it, if it really comes down to it, Miss Meng San's background is indeed a bit low.

    The decline of Uncle Chengyu's mansion was obvious in the early years, and there were no talents to come forward. After a few years, the title will be gone. As a third-family orphan, Miss Meng San's disadvantage is even more obvious. She has no foreign support and exists in the capital. Feeling almost zero.

    If it weren't for the fact that the master used some means and issued the imperial decree a few days ago, she would have no sense of existence.

    Thinking of this, Li Qu instantly understood why the master suddenly proposed to reward Zhonglie before, and it was clearly for Miss Meng San!

    Li Qu's heart is more complicated, the master's thoughts are so deep, he didn't notice it at that time!

    It seems that he will be more concerned about his master in the future.

    Having said that, after the master is tempted, is it like this?

    Looking at the master with a smile on his brows, eyes and mouth in the yard, Li Qu's faint uneasiness dissipated for the most part. He thought, this is not bad, at least Miss Meng San seems to be really good to the master.

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