Chapter 96.

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Chapter 96. Like "Are you really going to marry the Regent as a concubine?  …

    see her?

    What do you see her doing?

    She doesn't know him well!

    Zhao Yuanqiu was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses and asked Xiaoyu: "Why does he want to see me?"

    Xiaoyu didn't know, but shook his head: "I didn't say it before, I just said that the regent wants to see the young lady, and let the young lady go to the front hall quickly. ."

    Zhao Yuanqiu: "...I'm not going!"

    She didn't want to see him.

    He is so fierce and his temper is so bad, the queen mother must not be a target because she is very upset these two days.

    "Miss," Xiaoyu said with a bitter face, "Mama Fu said that you must hurry up and don't delay, or the master will come over in person."

    Obviously, everyone in the house understood the temperament of their young lady.

    Zhao Yuanqiu: "..."

    "The old master and the eldest young master are both here," Xiaoyu said again: "It is naturally impossible to see the young lady being wronged. Maybe the regent king sees the young lady, but just has something to say to the young lady?"

    Zhao Yuanqiu said angrily. : "What does he have to say to me? I haven't said a word to him, except for the occasional salute!"

    Xiaoyu winked at Zhao Yuanqiu: "I don't think so, but... Maybe there are friends of the young lady. "

    Zhao Yuanqiu looked at Xiaoyu, and after a while, he frowned and said, "You mean Meng Wantao?"

    Xiaoyu looked at her and said seriously, "After thinking about it, it means that Miss Meng San and Miss are related. , The servants next to me can't think of anything else."

    Zhao Yuanqiu's face changed greatly: "Meng Wantao is not in an accident!"

    "Hurry up," she stood up and said to them, "Hurry up and give it to me. I'm going to ask him now!"

    It didn't look like he was so frightened that he wanted to run away from the ground.

    After speaking earlier, the women guarding Zhao Yuanqiu naturally no longer care about the young lady going out.

    When Xiaoyu and Fang'er were in a hurry to untie the rope for their young lady, Zhao Yuanqiu grabbed the loosened rope and walked out quickly, not even having time to tidy up her appearance.     Xiaoyu and Fanger hurriedly

    followed her and reminded her, "Why don't you change your clothes first and then go over there." Zhao Yuanqiu couldn't take care of this: "Hurry over and see what's going on, and what clothes to change.


    Zhao Yuanqiu is a martial artist, and her martial arts are quite good. She walks quickly, like flying. Although Xiaoyu and Fang'er have practiced boxing for a few days, they are not as good as their own young lady. On the trot, he followed behind his house.

    Fang'er said as she ran, "The lady washes up before going over. It's very rude to meet the guests in the front hall like this."

    Zhao Yuanqiu casually put his hair in a bun and fastened it with a hairpin, saying: "It's alright. , don't be long-winded!"

    Xiaoyu and Fang'er didn't know the temper of their own lady, they also knew that in this situation, it was useless to persuade them, so they had to shut up and pray in their hearts that the regent wouldn't blame them later.

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