Chapter 46.

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Chapter 46. Is being angry just a friend?

    Meng Wantao was stunned by his question.

    What's the meaning?

    Say something like that all of a sudden?

    And what's the matter with his cold expression and cold tone?

    Meng Wantao stared at him in a daze, and then asked blankly for a while, "What?"

    Her reaction, and even the change in her eyes, all fell into Gong Jue's eyes.

    "You," he looked at her and repeated word for word, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

    Meng Wantao looked away from his eyes, fell on his forehead, wandered for a moment, and then returned to his eyes.

    He was in a bad mood.

    When she first came, she felt that something was wrong. The guards at the door and the atmosphere in the room were all full of dull coldness.

    Gong Jue's expression and words and deeds are more like suppressing something.

    Seeing him again, she raised the corner of her mouth and gave him a charming smile: "We are friends, isn't it right for friends to help each other?"

    This answer did not satisfy Gong Jue, and he frowned slightly.

    He added: "When we first met, we didn't know each other well, so why should you be nice to me?"

    Meng Wantao thought to himself, because of the similar background, I pity you.

    Of course, she will never say these words. Although it is true, the truth is always too hurtful, and his self-esteem is so strong. These words are tantamount to exposing his scars.

    "Okay?" She asked back with a smile, "I'm just asking if you want to eat grilled fish. We grilled so many fish that day. You just arrived, isn't it unusual to ask?

    " It makes sense, but Gong Jue vaguely felt that something was wrong, but for a while he didn't understand what was wrong.

    Facing Gong Jue's inquiring gaze, Meng Wantao did not dare to continue to look at him.

    He was too smart, his eyes were too deep, and he was too sharp, and she was afraid that she would reveal her true thoughts.

    After turning her eyes away, she took advantage of the situation to bend over and touch the soup cup on the case, and said, "I brought it all the way, it's a little cold, but it's still hot now, you can eat

    it." Gong Jue stared at her. .

    He still finds it strange that she cares about him just because he just appeared?

    He even gave him something to eat later.

    Meng Wantao noticed Gong Jue's gaze.

    She didn't look back, didn't show her cowardice, just pretended she didn't know anything, and said casually: "You should know, I have no sense of existence in the Earl's Palace, I don't care, no one wants to pay attention to me, and I don't remember anything. I was thrown to Zhuangzi, and I have no friends since I was a child. Except for the people in Zhuangzi, I don’t see anyone on weekdays, and the most I see is Xiaoci.”

    “I saw you that day,” she put the spoon out. He also took it out, with a light tone: "Actually, it's a surprise. I'll invite you to eat grilled fish later, and you are eager to help catch the fish, so I'll treat you as a friend wishful thinking. It's actually good to have a friend."

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