Chapter 10

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Chapter 10. Mistake Gong Jue's complexion is very dark

    After eating and drinking enough, he solved the major issue of survival, and he was really tired during the day. This sleep, Meng Wantao slept very sweetly, and it was just dawn when he woke up.

    Meng Wantao didn't have the habit of staying in bed, she woke up as soon as she woke up.

    Aunt Lan came back late last night, and she didn't know that she would bring Dazao and Xiaozao back, so Aunt Lan was allowed to sleep in the east wing, and sisters Dazao and Xiaozao lived in the west wing, and Xiaoci slept with her.

    "Why did Miss get up so early?" Xiao Ci, still sleepy, asked dazedly, rubbing her eyes.

    "I can't sleep," Meng Wantao put on her clothes and glanced at her: "Go to sleep and call you when the meal is ready."

    Xiaoci was really exhausted yesterday, and her spirit has been highly tense. , I haven't slept enough yet, when I heard this, I mumbled and fell back on the bed.

    The early morning of late autumn is a little cold, and the air is wrapped in the unique freshness of autumn, which makes people feel refreshed.

    She went straight to the kitchen.

    After a brief shower, I rolled up my sleeves and started cooking.

    She plans to make scallion pancakes.

    When she was a child, she liked to eat pasta, especially cakes.

    She knows a lot of types of pasta. When she was a child, she saw other children eating delicious food. She had no money to buy it, so she could only make it herself at home. When she was older, she went to work in the factory to earn some money , I still like to do it myself.

    In her opinion, cooking is a very stress-relieving, very happy, and very fulfilling thing.

    When you are unhappy, make yourself a table of delicious food, and when you are done eating, you will feel better.

    When you are happy, you can also make yourself a table of delicious food to add extra weight to your good mood.

    She first boiled a pot of boiling water and put it aside for later use, then scooped two spoons of flour into the basin and added a little salt to the flour. First add boiling water, stir with chopsticks to form a floc, add cold water, knead into a dough, and set it aside to wake up.

    After waking up, she went to the vegetable garden behind to pull out a handful of green onions, washed them, and cut them into chopped green onions for use.

    While slicing chopped green onion, Xiaoci came over.

    "Why did you get up?" Meng Wantao saw that she hadn't slept well.

    Xiaoci yawned and came over: "I'm not going to sleep, I'll help you cook."

    "What are you doing today?" Being rushed by the green onion, Xiaoci became more energetic, thinking of the shredded pork porridge she ate yesterday, Egg pancakes, braised pork, steamed eggs with minced meat... She was completely awake, staring at Meng Wantao.

    "Chopped green onion cake," Meng Wantao cut the pieces, washed his hands, and moved to the small stone mill in the kitchen: "And soy milk... Come, help me grind soy milk."

    Xiao Ci trotted over immediately, looking excited: " The green onion cake is good! Soy milk is good too! I like them both!"

    Meng Wantao had soaked the soybeans before going to bed last night, and it is just right now.

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