Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8. Succeeded "...It seems to be the illegitimate child of some noble family. …

    The Earl's Mansion was only on the decline in his career, but his family was still very wealthy, so he didn't look down on Feng Xiao's assets.

    The old lady didn't give it to Meng Wantao because these things were not in her hands at all. She hated Fengxiao deeply, she didn't want to hear anything related to her at all, and she looked down on Meng Wantao very much. After so many years, she had forgotten about it.

    Now Meng Wantao has come to ask for it.

    She naturally despised those so-called field shops, but she valued her own face.

    Being coerced by Meng Wantao like this, the old lady's anger was only a little less than when her son rebelled against her.

    She really regretted why she wasn't cruel and let her die on the way back to Beijing.

    After she died, there would be nothing left to do, not to mention the constant obstructing of her eyes, reminding her of her sad past.

    She didn't expect Meng Wantao to be so bold, so ignorant, and desperate to get this matter out of the way.

    It's so bad, this one can't be stopped.

    One who despised Shengwei can completely destroy the Meng family.

    The Meng family has lost Meng Siyang, who can shine on the lintel. Naturally, these old events can no longer block the future of the grandchildren and ruin the future of the Meng family.

    The old lady had a lot of scruples, but in the end she was relieved.

    Meng Wantao didn't expect things to go so smoothly. After thinking about it for a while, she understood that it must be because of Aunt Lan.

    Although Aunt Lan came from a humble background, it was because of her humble background that she was able to fight for it.

    Feng Xiao's fields and shops were all twenty years ago. After falling into the hands of the Meng family, they naturally turned their hands several times because of bad luck.

    It's a bit difficult to keep it intact now. Meng Wantao doesn't want to argue with the Meng family about this matter. All she wants is money. Without those farms and shops, the Meng family can get the equivalent.

    In the end, under the aggressiveness of Yu Yingluo and Yunlan, Meng Wantao got the Zhuangzi where she lives now.

    Everything in Zhuangzi belongs to Meng Wantao.

    When the incident happened suddenly, the old lady came to Zhuangzi, and naturally it was impossible to take the Tian deed with him.

    The old lady didn't want to see Meng Wantao again for a moment, let alone breakfast, she didn't even take a sip of tea, so she took her back to the house angrily.

    However, after a few hours of work, Zhuangzi, who was bustling and bustling, suddenly calmed down.

    When the old lady left, she naturally brought the people she brought along with her mother Liu and Hua'er back to the house, leaving only a few people working in the kitchen.

    On weekdays, they also showed Meng Wantao and Xiaoci faces.

    Now that Liu's mother, who supported them, is gone, how dare they be so arrogant, especially seeing that Miss San suddenly seems to be a different person, and even the old lady can't do anything to her, so she knelt down and begged for mercy.

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