Chapter 44.

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Chapter 44. Eavesdropping "Does Miss Like Young Master?"

    Since calling here, Meng Wantao, who has never suffered from insomnia, did not fall asleep until the third watch.

    Fortunately, Dazao and Xiaozao have been able to take care of themselves these days, so they didn't call her up.

    During this sleep, Meng Wantao slept until three poles in the sun before getting up.

    When I woke up, I felt uncomfortable all over, my head was dizzy, and my bones were still pantothenic acid.

    "What's the matter with you, miss?" Seeing her like this, Xiaoci carefully moved the pots of peppers out of the house to bask in the sun, and asked Meng Wantao, who was holding his head with a sullen face, "Are you uncomfortable?"

    Meng Wantao rubbed his aching temples, and said casually, "It's fine." After putting the pot of peppers in her hand, Xiaoci came over     to

    check: "Why are you weak? Are you catching a cold?"

He touched Meng Wantao's forehead.

    "It's not hot," Xiaoci muttered, then tilted her head to look at Meng Wantao's face: "Are you hungry?"

    Meng Wantao couldn't help crying and patted her hand away, "I just didn't sleep well, What nonsense."

    Seeing her finally smiling, Xiaoci was also happy, squatted down, and looked at her with her face in her hands: "Whatever Miss wants to eat, I'll cook it for you."

    Meng Wantao raised her eyes: "You?"

    Xiaoci nodded excitedly: "Well, um! Xiaozao taught me to come, I can cook porridge now!"

    Meng Wantao was dressed and didn't even look at her, so she didn't give her face very much: "Forget it, I I still cooked it myself."

    Xiao Ci was shocked and really wanted to justify her name. She stood up and said confidently, "I really know how to cook!"

    When Meng Wantao went out, she glanced at her and said, "I want to eat mutton. Face, can you do it?"

    Xiaoci: "..."

    These days are sunny days. As soon as Meng Wantao went out, he bathed in the bright sunshine, and felt that the discomfort all over his body had dissipated. He stretched a lot and took a few breaths of the fresh air in the wilderness. Ming Yan also followed.

    The bell peppers swayed their leaves under the porch and basked in the sun leisurely. Meng Wantao checked them one by one and saw that everything was normal. Thinking that there would be peppers to eat in the future, he could make many, many, many delicacies, mass-produce them, and earn a lot of money. I feel better.

    "Do you want to eat mutton noodles?" She turned her head and shouted into the house, "If you eat, come over and make a fire." At first, she

    was still sad that the young lady didn't believe in her cooking skills, but when she heard this, she immediately ran over. Help make the fire.

    Because he didn't sleep well, Meng Wantao's appetite was not particularly good, but he still had to eat, and there were still many things to do after dinner.

    She washed a small piece of mutton, and then a small pot of Chinese cabbage.

    It is said to be mutton noodles, but isong vegetables accounted for half.

    Heat oil in a wok and fry the onion, ginger and pepper, stir-fry the mutton until fragrant, add boiling water, tear the leftover braised noodles from the mutton pot yesterday, pull them into noodles, and put them in the pot.

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