❥𝑺𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒆𝒚𝒆𝒔

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Jirou's POV
We're all in another casual dinner at ua. All of us in the same building, living the same life every day.

A continuous loop of tragic or sad events.

I mouth the words "I'm not hungry" to Mina as I lay my knife and fork neatly over the plate and get up from my seat. Eating right now is pointless.

I arrive my room and look out of the window. The weather is beautiful. Some snow, but not windy.

Without thinking much, I grab a pencil and try expressing my pain with words. It doesn't work out very well. Instead I write a letter to my dear lover.

After I'm done, I fold it and write "To Azrail" with the worn out pencil.

I go up the stairs. I keep going up and up, closer to God, despite feeling lifeless and as if my soul has been stolen from my body. Half of me felt as though it vanished, I feel empty and blue. I want to put an end to this.

I'm on the roof, where I found Azrail crying for the first time.
They looked so broken. Maybe just the way I look at the moment.

I get closer to the edge and look down to see the snow building up on sidewalks.
The cars driving fast and the people going by. I see some fighting, others laughing while others just seam as alone as I feel, even though I'm not truly alone.

I turn my back on the edge, only to look up into the starry night sky. All the stars shine so brightly. It's so beautiful. And now they come to my mind. They are a much better sight for sore eyes. I softly close my eyes and picture them, their every trace, flaw and line.

I give thanks that I got to meet them, to laugh with them, to hug them, even to taste their lips. A tear gently rolls down my face and I let myself fall.

The wind punching against my back and my tears leaving my cheek but staying above me, falling at a slower pace. This feels liberating. I steal one last breath from this world, before I can never breathe again, it is deep and deafening, just like the wind blowing in my ears.

For a moment, while I return the breath back to the world, time seams to slow down. A mere second felt like minutes and I saw my hair moving to the front of my face with my tears, both slowly bouncing within the air as my thoughts felt loud. Louder than the wind rushing through my ears, so that all I heard was regret shouting at me "What if it got better?" "What will happen to Azrail?" "What about mom and dad?" "What if Mina ends up alone?" "What if..."

"Enough!" I tried to yell back, with little effect, since the the thoughts kept running wild. They were banging against the walls of my cranium back and forth, like an echo.

Until I finally hit the ground. Everything goes black. All I hear is a loud ringing in my ears.

Sometime passed, I don't know how much, and I was still conscious. Not enough to be aware of what's happening or to put my mind in order.

The ringing in my ears faded just enough for me to hear the sounds of an ambulance. It sounds far and muffled.

But as I wait to gain some senses, I end up by loosing them slowly.
Everything hurts and all I wish for is for it to stop hurting and to see my angel one last time.

And, thankfully, it stops hurting, but no sign of my angel.

Back to Y/n's POV

Right after I finish dinner I walk to Jirou's dorm.
I open the door only to realize she isn't there. I find a note instead.

It is rested on the nightstand and it read 'To Azrail' on it. I reach my arm to pick it up but my eyes lend on the window due to the sound of sirens ringing and flashing just outside the building.

I don't give it much thought as I just return my gaze and attention back on the letter.

I open it and as soon as I read the first words I feel tears brimming my eyes.

I sprint out into the road where the ambulance was. I search the street for some sign that she is ok. Unfortunately, I spot some doctors feeling her pulse and shaking their heads. Some other guys now make their way to the messed up corpse to put it in a black bag.

I fight against the cops. I can't let her go. Not yet, not like this, not without holding her one last time.

Please, come back to me. I can't make it without you.
Before I met you life had no meaning or colours. I need you. I love you.


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