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The owl hooted miles away as this ominous feeling filled up your body. You had never felt this helpless.

You wished that you could just snatch one of the blade from your restrainers and pierce yourself and get free from this once and for all.

Danzo took his slow steps towards you with an evil grin on his face.

"Oh yes! One more thing! After we get this seal on you! It will also detect your future encounters with any Akatsuki member and you will face consequences provoked by the seal....."

You could see your future coming forth, no more encounters with your friend Deidara, no more unintentional meetings with Itachi, nothing will be your free will.

The urge to snatch the blade from your right was so on peak that your arm started twitching. It seemed more easy to just end your lifespan right there rather than live with this torture.

Danzo came closer to you," I knew you would do anything to prove the loyalty towards Konoha, just like Itachi.... He taught you well..."

With these words he dug his nails onto your waist and ripped your top. The seal stone was already charred from fire Justu and with in a split second he pushed it against your waist.

Your lungs screamed to the fullest, you could feel your larynx losing the sound as you kept screaming harder, tears rolled over your eyes as they went dizzy and left your brain struck in trauma, body falling on the ground bleeding and lifeless.

The reinforcement disappeared slowly as your body laid on the bare grass. The only thing you could hear was your own heartbeat inside your entire body. Those wide eyes were slowly coming together to diminish into nothingness.

There were still few ANBU members around you marching their way around, when a loud bang snatched everyone's attention to the forest. Danzo felt a shock in his core as he choked on his salvia.

"GUARDS!!!!!" Danzo turned around and screamed but it was too late.

All the ninjas defending that old man was crashing on the ground motionless. They got wiped out with a blink of an eye. Danzo couldn't believe on what he was seeing and his mind didn't work fast enough to form up next move.

He took few steps back and stumbled onto your body laying beside. He lost his balance and was falling on you.

But a brute force grabbed the old hag from his throat and pushed him away from you.
Those deadly crimson eyes with never seen pattern of Sharingan were most sinister ones.

"Danzo Shimura....." He hissed as he tightened the grip around Danzo's neck.

"U-Uchiha ....!!!!!" Danzo couldn't catch his breath and was struggling. "I -I was just looking out for her and the V-Village... AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"
The pressure around his neck increased leaving him in despair.

The cracking of bones in his neck could be heard with that immense force.
"U-UChiha ....!!! I-If you k-kill me......AHHHHHHH...... then she would be the only one facing adversity of this."

Those crimson eyes turned and glanced at you laying on the ground lifeless and with a swift motion he let Danzo's neck go and teleported near you, lifting you in his arms.

Danzo huffed and muffled with excessive coughing and finally catched his breath," it's too late either way.... The seal is on her and won't be undone until 30 days..... if I were you I would be careful stepping near her .....

A high speed shuriken got shot towards Danzo's forehead, it was so fast that he didn't get the chance to dodge it, but an injured ANBU came in front of him and saved him from going to hell.

That shock pushed him on his knees with terror in his and when he looked around there was nothing but a ground of dead bodies.

"Uchiha ....." Danzo mumbled with heavy breath.

"U-Uchiha.... Itachi!"

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