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The grey clouds emitted sharp lights followed by the massive thunder. The gloomy atmosphere was rising with each passing minute of time.

The fingers of her left hand flickered as they touched the damped red grass under them. Her body suffered a twitch as the coldness of the ground penetrated her bruised skin.

A blue butterfly came down fluttering from the sky and slowly approached the horrific scene created on the now destroyed territory of roses.

There were not a single petal standing with rooted stem. Those white petals that once were folded elegantly together were now crushed on ground and stained red with several blood streams emerging from a human body lying between them.

The wind blew fast now indicating the arrival of storm soon. The blue creature slowly fluttered above that blood soaked human as it tried to find nectar.

The scene was sinister, there was not a single animal voices heard trying to take shelter after the thumping of lighting, but there was dead silence, dead silence as in graveyard. Only color except crimson and red soaked green was that charming blue wings.

Her left hand flicked itself again but violently, and she slowly turned her face towards it. The shattered bones inside her made sound as she turned her neck.

Her hair covered the insidious look on her face with dried lips that once were plumed and luscious, those soft cheeks that now are swollen and cut through. The dripping from her jawline was the slow seeping blood running from forehead.

The blue butterfly finally tried to flew away from the wretched woman laying down on its flowers that were there no more and never will.

But a claw of human flesh grabbed that poor creature and crushed it in the fist.

There was someone else. A dark figure, hiding in the shadows of trees and grey clouds.

The smirk formed on his devil face as he opened his fist and let go of the remains of the once alive.

The thunder approached rushing as few drops of water fell on her emotionless face half covered with long hair.

The eyes were still open but the light was replaced with pitch black, her body didn't respond to the pain that was going on in her body in hundred places at once, but there was no emotion, not even the emotion of pain.

The dark figure kept standing there as his eyes overwhelmed to see the result of his doing and wanted to see the end of it no matter how long it takes.

The leaves of few trees near that devastated area rustled in pace as someone flew in demonic speed and landed over the woman.

His both hands dug up the swamped red grass as the anger flowed in his body. He clenched his teeth hard as his body shivered with rage.

She slowly turned the head towards the man that just landed on her and looked straight in his eyes.

"Kill him....."

The words slowly came out from her dried lips and her wounded chin moved along.

Few drops of water touched her cheek but it wasn't from the clouds. It wasn't.

Those lips parted themselves again and her vocal cord acquired enough energy to speak.

"Kill him..... kill the ....fuck out of him...."

Her sentence ended with panting of her lungs which made the sound of broken ribs.

Her eyes were piercing through his, it was the command she gave him, those emotionless features definitely portrayed the end of that dark figure hiding behind with smirk which was not there anymore.

The man took a deep breath as he gently pulled away the hair covering her face and an evil side smile formed on his face as the thunder finally arrived with heavy violent rain.


And he flew.


Author's Note: 

Spooky season! 

Keep guessing who are they above written in a chilling scene :) 

don't forget to share your thoughts down below so i can read them!

Thanks for your love <3

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