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The trauma itachi's brain was experiencing, was unpredictable. 

He is the man who sacrificed everything for village, for his brother and the only thing he can't get rid of was you, his feelings for you, those cherished moments of past that he always hold close to himself.

But what just happened before his eyes was unbelievable for him, something such bizarre


How could this be true ..?......

The tornado of enormous amount of such questions was ruining his mental peace and forcing his inner true self to come out.

The only 2 bonds he had, you and Sasuke, were no more separate and simple for him to handle.

"How could he.... my own brother... can do this with ...."

He clenched his teeth and looked at you not finishing his sentence.

His eyes hold grief for you.

How could he let this happen to you?

Why it has to be his own brother who did this with the woman of Itachi's dreams?


His eyes depicted clear hatred whenever he remembered Sasuke touching your soft shiny beautiful splendid skin.

The touch Itachi was waiting for so long to feel was done by someone else, someone else touched you first and tried to get all those emotions out of you which Itachi wanted to feel.

Someone had invaded in his privacy and that anger could clearly be seen on his face.

He held you closer in the moonlight constantly staring at your angel face and luscious lips eagerly waiting for them to move and utter his name.


The voice he wanted to listen. He kept imagining you taking his name and his overprotected side began to grew for you.

"Come on..(y/n)... say my name...open your sparkly beautiful (e/c) eyes and look at me.."

As he spoke these words to your still yet exceptionally charming features, he cupped your left cheek with his half healed hand and began feeling your soft skin

"Look at me and say my name (y/n)... I wanna hear it so bad..."

He sniffed your soft and silky (h/c) hair and trailed his pointed nose to your forehead to your cheek and placed a soft kiss on your sexy jawline.

He gave a quick lick to your jawline and hid your face into his chest with a protective guard around you.

A little frown formed on Itachi's face. He let out a small groan and raised his voice a little pulling your face deep into his chest.

"You are MINE!..... no one...NO ONE! can touch you... no one... (y/n) you are mine ... only MINE!"

Itachi never expected himself to be that open about his feelings. He could feel the heat of the anger growing inside him, the feelings for you burning inside with full power.

He hadn't realised that he had spoke his true state of mind, for you.

The saying " Itachi is his true form before you" was coming to the truth.

Those flashbacks from the past of your relationship was coming in front of his eyes.

He sighed and adjusted his back against the tree. He gently patted your arm as you slept inside his protective cage of love.

———— Sasuke P.O.V. —————

I was pushed hard on the floor.

My eyes got widened and my body was in shock as I was shook away from my fantasy.

(Y/n) threw herself at the glass window and escaped.

I saw tears dwelling in her eyes which made my heart ache.

"Oh.. (y/n)...." I whispered to myself as I smashed my fist into floor in anger.

My breath was getting heavy but I didn't know why?

Why I did that ?

Why (y/n)-chan ran away ?

I don't know which question was hurting me the most.

" I shouldn't have done that so out of the blue"

My conscious spoke to me and I realised that my actions was so sudden But....

But why (y/n) reacted so shocked and used force at me?

She used to care a lot for me. She came here for me.... then why I saw that hate for my touch in her eyes?

"Is there some one else..." my head quickly faced that broken window

I could feel my anger building in my eyes as my Sharingan changed its state, I could feel the sudden power of hatred growing stronger inside me , the new strength in my eyes as I completed my thought,

" is there someone else in.... in her life..."

I could feel anger building more and more inside me.

I decided to find (y/n), she is not well and I want some answers.

I stood up and was ready to follow her trail when I suddenly realised that damn snake in front of me

"O-OOh...hh.. my my look at your eyes Sasuke-kun"

Orochimaru hissed and I moved to the moonlight towards the shattered glass on the floor and saw my face in those broken pieces.

I was shocked...

—————END OF P.O.V.——————

Itachi didn't take off his eyes from you, not even for a minute, he kept looking at the angel he was holding in his arms with long (h/c) hair spreading around reflecting the moonlight.

A smile began to form at Itachi's face as he thought of one of his favourite love moments with you.

He chuckled ," (y/n)..... do you remember that time ...."

He began talking to you portraying telling you some kind of a bed time story or fairy tale.

He lowered down his anger and grief as he imagined the lost time with you and formed a gentle smile with pleased eyes.

"Let me remind you ...(y/n)..."

And the narration begun.

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