drunk fights

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y/n uses they/them pronouns (no smut)

Y/n stumbled into their house bumping into the door. "Fuck.." Y/n laughed wondering who put the door there.

"Y/n?" Lana questioned coming down to the kitchen. She knew Y/n was going out for drinks, but she didn't know that they were going to show up at 3am.

Lana continued through the kitchen, finding Y/n opening a can of beer. "You know I hate it when you drink and drive.." Lana said annoyed at Y/n's behavior. When Y/n and Lana started dating, everything seemed rather fine. Along the way, Y/n picked up some nasty habits. Driving dunk, smoking cigarettes, and the one Lana despised the most, her aggressiveness had spiked.

Lana found attraction towards Y/n because of the innocence they carried. They seemed like the sweetest soul with the purest intentions. Lana didn't know when that page of the book had been flipped.

"I'm here aren't I? Plus, I didn't have much to drink." Y/n tried to hide their drunkenness even though Lana was able to see through them.

"Are you sure about that? You're literally having trouble standing as we speak." Lana responds hoping to get through them.

"Oh, can you stop bitching at me?" They said walking past her into the living room. "I can't even have one night of fun cause then I come home to you being on my ass."

"Don't use that language towards me, Y/n." Lana said hiding her emotions. She knew Y/n didn't mean it, at least that's what she kept telling herself.

"Or what? You'll kick me out again? We both know how that ended last time." Y/n threatened Lana. She was fully aware of what happened last time. In fact, it was a memory she swore to erase from her head. Y/n sat on the couch, placing her legs up on the coffee table.

Lana came around Y/n taking their beer,"I think its time for bed. Let's go."

"What the fuck? No, fuck no. Give that shit back!"

"No, let's go!" Lana shouted.

"I said give it back." Y/n got up from the couch and stood tall beside Lana. They took ahold of the beer and shoved Lana causing her to fall onto the carpet floor.

"Fuck.. sorry.. I'm sorry, Lana," Y/n stammered noticing that they did the one thing they promised to never do.

"No, I'm not doing this again. You want to be reckless and act like you're seventeen again, go ahead but I'm not going to be here to clean up your mess. I am not going to be your punching bag whenever you get like this. I'm sick of it."

"It was an accident babe. Cmon, please don't leave.." Y/n pleaded watching Lana head up the stairs to pack a bag.

"You always say that, but you never change." Lana said rushing and throwing clothes into a suitcase.

"You're not leaving!" Y/n shouted at Lana making her jump in fear. Y/n then grabbed the suit case Lana had and threw it across their bedroom.

Y/n stepped out of the bedroom and closed the door holding the door knob to prevent Lana from leaving.

After a few tries from Lana, the house was quiet. Y/n stayed right outside the door and Lana had fallen asleep.

By now, Y/n was sober enough to know what had occurred earlier. They walked up to Lana, softly brushing her hair out of her face.

As they stared at Lana's peaceful state, they whispered something they never mentioned to Lana.

"I know what you did last summer."

Y/n had let a tear slip.

"I know, Lana. I know."

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