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no smut :(

I recently graduated from studying audio engineering and had booked an interview with Interscope Records. I know for a fact that I was going to get the job, but my nerves are getting the best of me.

As soon as I walk into the building, I make my way towards the secretary. To get through to the interview, I needed to get a hold of a name badge. Once I received the badge, I made my way to the elevator. In the email I received last week, it wrote where I was suppose to meet Mr. Janick. The email also wrote that I should wear comfortable clothing since I'll probably get to work right away.

Soon after the interview process finished, Mr. Janick gave me the news that I got the job. He offered me a tour of the building and informed me about my role in audio mixing at Interscope.

After nearing the end of the conversation and tour, he leads me into an empty studio. "Lana Del Rey, the artist you'll be working with, will be here shortly. Depending on the artist you're working with, they'll have a choice to bring other people. So keep in mind that some days it won't be just you and them mixing the records" he says while I take a seat in front of the equipment. I nod letting him know that I fully understand and he leaves right after.

"Jeez, I can believe this is finally happening" I say to myself. I have been working extremely hard these past few months to get here. It has really paid off.

After waiting about thirty minutes, the artist arrives and she introduced herself.

"You must be Y/n, I'm Lana," she stated in a friendly manner.

"Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you." There was a moment of silence, mostly because I didn't know what to do. I was just told that I'd be working with her and nothing else. I break the silence hoping to not sound like an idiot.

"So what are we working on today?" I said, knowing that I was probably to supposed to know.

"Oh.. they didn't tell you? They usually let the mixer know what's on the schedule." She said almost annoyed at my lack of knowledge.

"It's my first day, Mr. Janick did not specify what todays work would consist of." I didn't feel the need to apologize since it wasn't my fault information was not given.

"Right right, sorry about that. Well, most of my tracks have been mixed but I would love if you took a look at my song Cherry. There seems to be something missing. I know you're not a producer but I'm assuming you've had some experience with layering and vocal production."

"I'll gladly take a look at it. Let me pull up the track real quick," I say, turning on all the equipment.

We played the track. While listening to it, she was right about something not being there. I turn on the mic and have her record some random words.

"What kind of words? I need something to go off of," she spoke into the mic from the live room.

I had no clue what to tell her. What kind of words would go along with this song?

"I'm not sure-" Instead of giving her exact words, I hum something out for her. She gets the hang of it and comes up with something. I told her to sing it into the chorus of the track.

"Can I get fuckin' hallelujah... Lookin' at me like a magazine.."

I gave her a thumbs up through the glass and I cut the song. I messed around with her vocals to make it sound filtered. This also added to the effect.

As I'm looking at the time, someone comes through the door. Lana didn't mention anything about anyone dropping by so I allowed her to attend to that.

"Oh, Y/n, this is my sister Chuck. I hope you don't mind her being here."

"No, its all good. You should probably go get lunch, I'll try to finish this in the time being."

"Okay! You should probably go on break too."

"I think I'm okay, this will probably be done by the time y'all get back," I said as she nodded and left.

- - -
By the time Lana and Chuck came back, it was late in the evening. I had also finished the song and I would say it sounded even better.

"So, how's the song going?" She said as she sat in the chair beside.

"I finished it, want to give it a listen?" I asked.

"Yeah, pull it up!" She said as typed away on her phone.

While I start playing the song, Chuck randomly pulls outs a camera. "Y/n, Lana.. over here" I don't even have a chance to smile because she just took the photo. She took many more as we listened to the song.

The song comes to an end and I'm waiting to hear what she has to say.

"You have a magic touch, Y/n. I definitely think that was needed. It adds so much to the song."

"I'm really glad you liked it, Lana." It honestly would have sucked if she wouldn't have liked it.

"I think that's about it for today, Y/n. I like what you did with my vocals and everything you added. Tomorrow, I'm going to be here again with some other producers, you should stop by. I'll introduce you to them and get you mix up my other songs. Sounds good?"

"Yeah, I'm down for that. I guess I'll see you tomorrow!" I said almost excited because I'll have an artist that I'll possibly be working with in the future.

authors note:
Initially it was supposed to have smut, ya know, sexy studio sex.. anyhoot that didn't happen but if I choose to make a part 2 that will def have smut. I also don't know if it will connect back to this. I would hope not. Let me know what ya think!

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