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"Help me with this, will you?" I asked needing assistance with my tie.

As she finished tightening my tie, she stood back to take a look at me.

"So sexy.." Lana blurts out while I throw on my blazer.

"Thank you.. I have to say, you look quite alluring tonight." I smirk in total admiration of Lana's outfit. My hands move to Lana's lower back bringing her closer.

"The things I would do to you if we didn't have somewhere to be." I whispered to Lana squeezing her bottom. "Come on, let's go."

We were headed to Chuck's birthday dinner. She wanted to celebrate before she left to New York. Chuck planned a sweet little get together, inviting both her siblings and father.

After a quick car ride to the restaurant, Chuck greeted both of us along with everyone else.

"Hey, Y/n! You look great," Chuck complimented me making me smile. "Thanks, Chuck!"

"You really do," Charlie says butting in.

"Hey, dude!! It's been a minute since I've seen you. I almost doubted you were going to show up," I say surprised at Charlie's appearance. I rarely see him nowadays due to our busy schedules.

"Wouldn't miss it, just been busy with projects is all."

"Right, understandable."

"Alright, enough of that, let's have some dinner!" Rob announced.

A couple drinks in, my tie got loose and my arm was around Lana. Lana's hand sat on my thigh, moving up and down as she listened to the conversation.

"It's not like you were easy to get along with, Y/n. I tried talking to you multiples times but you wouldn't budge. It really seemed like you hated everyone. I don't understand how Lana got you to open up so fast." Chuck said.

"Well I had no choice but talk to you, especially once Lana and I started dating. What was I going to do? Not talk to my girlfriend's sister. Plus, I had to learn that I wasn't going escape you either." I laughed.

"Oh c'mon! I'm not that bad, look at us now!" Chuck exclaims.

"I know I know.. I'm glad we were able to sort out our differences in the past," I grin remembering the rather small argument on the unnecessary amount of cameras she took on vacation.

"Where's the cake?" Charlie interrupts. "Oh yeah, the cake!" Chuck responds.

"While they bring out the cake, Lana and I get will get your gift... " I smile and look at Lana.

On the way to the car, Lana questions me. "Why couldn't have you picked it up yourself. I didn't necessarily need to come with you-"

"Maybe so, but I wanted you feel something," I tell her now standing at the car. I trap Lana in between the car and I. This caused Lana to nervously giggle and stare at my glossy eyes.

Lana tries to get out of my lock, but fails. "Okay, what is it?"

I grab Lana's hand and place it on my heart. I then make eye contact with Lana guiding her further down. I roam it lower and hold Lana's hand just under my belt buckle, watching her eyes open surprised at what she's feeling.

"You do this to me, baby," I groan out looking at Lana now biting her lip.

"You wanna do this here, don't you?" Lana said annoyed at my antics.

"You know what happens if we wait.." I say trying to convince her.

"Doesn't matter, Y/n! The party is almost done, I'm sure you can wait!" Lana whispers angrily trying not cause a scene.

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