girl next door

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Lana's POV

It has been a week since my big move in day. I moved to this neighborhood because of the area that its in. This neighborhood should be quieter and most of the people who live here are old too. This should be more helpful when I write music.


"So what are you going to do about this, Y/n?" Pierce asked waiting for what I had say.

"Dude, I don't even know her." I told him clearly being conflicted about this situation.

This started a few days ago a when I saw a pretty women move in next door. I don't know much about her, but I have managed to think highly of her. I told Pierce thinking that he wouldn't make it a huge deal, but he did the opposite. He encouraged this crush and told me to do something about.

I still find it funny that he thinks I'd pull something like that. For all I know, she's double my age and married. A nineteen year old girl with a, maybe middle aged, woman is not something I see often. Fuck.. but imagine me with a whole milf. Thats hot.

"That why you're gonna get your ass out to your front door when she comes over for dinner tonight." Pierce says making me confused.

"That needs to go through my mom though.." I shut down his plan right away relaxing at the thought.

He gets up from my bed and almost yells,"good for you it has, your mom told me to tell you on my way up here... now tell me how much of a genius I am."

"First of all, no. Secondly, what do you mean she's coming over?" I asked him while on the verge of freaking out.

Almost in a non chalant manner he responds,"yeah, you know for dinner.." I don't think I can do this tonight. For fucks sake, why would my mom invite her.

"Are you staying?" I ask him hoping he'd say yes.

"No, I have a date with Amanda which reminds me I should be leaving soon."

"God damn it Pierce," I said frustrated that he wouldn't be around.

"Yeah, sorry dude. I think I'm gonna get going."

"Fine. I have to get ready anyway, see you next week?"

"You know it," he says looking back at me while exiting my door.

Right after Pierce leaves, I go right ahead and shower. It was starting to get late and she should be here soon.

I walk over to the rack near my window and pick out some clothing pieces. I chose a stripped Guess shirt and a pair of black pants.

I was about to turn around when she came into my vision. She stood in her cream colored robe, inspecting her face in the rectangular mirror. In that moment, I get lost and find it difficult to remove my eyes.

She starts to slowly untie her robe and it falls off her perfect body. Her hands roam her soft body in a swift motion, but that same pure moment quickly turned into an angry one. She had noticed that I was watching her.

She picked up her robe covering herself up and walked over to the window. Closing the blinds, I was left in a state of shock. "Holy shit.. what did I just do?" I kept repeating, this dinner is not going to go well.

After the dinner

I learned that her name is Lana and that she is willing to keep a secret.

We didn't really talk much during dinner. She was more interested in what my mother had to say. Some part of me is glad that we didn't talk much because I wouldn't know what to say after what happened earlier.

My mother asked if she wanted to stay after dinner, but she declined because she had work to do. She was probably creeped out by me.

When she left, I helped my mother with the dishes and then went upstairs. I was in the mood so I lit up a joint and watched tv.

I soon started to feel sexually aroused and needed a release. I usually never do the solo dead in my room because I don't have blinds but I couldn't wait. I unbuckle my belt and drop my pants.

I soon start thinking about how she looked earlier. Her sexy curves mixed with the softness of her body. The way her hands touched her chest down to her stomach.

As I start to getting close, I open my eyes and see Lana's light on through the window. This time, she's the one standing at the window watching me. Instead of rushing to cover myself, I get closer to the window. I speed up my movement and soon she watched me dump my load.

She grabbed her curtain, but before she closed it she motioned me to come over.

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