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"Stop worrying, Y/n! My dad won't notice we're gone," Lana jokingly scolded me.

She rushed me into a random room and pushed me down onto the bed. "We shouldn't do this, babe. Someone could come in," I tried convincing her. On the contrary, she kissed me even more while trying to remove my shirt.

"Sweetheart, the party's downstairs," she responds taking off her shirt. "Plus, you've been teasing me the whole day don't get scared now."

"Oh, you think I'm scared?" I flip her down to the bed and lightly choke her. "I just thought that we'd be respectful, but since you don't care let's continue," I say then quickly pulling down my jeans.

I pull up her dress and tug her panties down. I kiss her inner thighs getting closer to her heat. I run my tongue through her glistening folds.

"Mhm, give me more Y/n" she moans out. I speed up my movements and slowly enter two fingers into her.

I give all my attention to her pearl and she lets go with deep moan. I put my hand around her mouth hoping no one heard that. "Shush, we could get caught.."

She removes my hand and goes in for a kiss. "You're so good with your tongue," she breathes out.

All of a sudden I hear a knock on the door. Shit shit shit.

"Lana? Y/n?" Rob asks. I dash to put my jeans back on and I throw Lana her panties. She puts them on and opens the door. "Yeah, dad?" She responds back calmly.

"We're about to cut the cake, what were you two doing?" He further questions.

Knowing Lana, she's a total disaster when it comes to lying. "Sorry Rob, Lana wanted to give me a full tour of the house." He seemed to buy it because he didn't ask anymore questions.

"Well hurry on now, everyone is ready for the cake."

"That was close," Lana says still in a state of shock.

"Oh you better buckle up because we're not done yet," I say with a smirk. "Wait till we get home."

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