photo shoot

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"I know someone with a cool place we could use, Lana. Just meet us there." Ben instructed Lana over the phone.

"Send me the address and I'll see you there, Ben." Lana said, annoyed that the previous location had been booked.

She's been working on her latest album for couple months now. The last thing she needed was the cover art to turn into a disaster.

- - -

I watched as people entered my home with expensive camera equipment.

"Where do we set this?" A girl named Cindy asked me.

I don't even know. I thought I was only providing the location.

"Here, I'll show you." I say, walking out to the back yard. "This area should be okay, thanks!"

I walk back inside only to find Ben searching through my fridge. "Um, find anything you like?" I joke.

He turns around with a smirk, closing the fridge. "Yeah, if I'm trying to get day drunk!" I laugh. "Jeez, at least have your assistant buy you groceries.."

I roll my eyes at him. "I'm never home, so it would be a waste."

"I guess you're right," Ben says.

"So where's that doll of yours?" I question, walking him over to my living room.

"She should be here in couple of minutes. Let me remind you to take it easy on her, she's been stressed out." He said warning me.

"Trouble with the upcoming album?" I ask.

"Yeah, she hates that fans keep leaking stuff." Ben admits.

"That's understandable. No artist likes their work to be leaked, it ruins the anticipation."

"Exactly." Ben scoffs while shaking his head. "Sadly, it's something we have to deal with."

Both of our attention is moved to the entrance door to my house. "Alright, let's get to it!" Lana announces.

"Ok, boss lady." I smirk, getting up.

"Oh don't start, Y/n." She says glaring at me.

I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her. "You smell good.." I whisper to her as she hugs me back.

"Quit it horn dog. No games today!" She says, pushing me away.

"Why did you choose this as our location?" Lana asks Ben.

"Be thankful, Y/n was nice enough to let us invade her space for the day. Plus, the view is amazing." He said pointing beyond the corridor to the backyard. "Now c'mon, lets go!"

- - -

"Thanks guys!" Lana says to her team once everything is packed.

I tried to stay away from the shoot to avoid any trouble. Though I will say, she seems to be in a better mood than she was earlier today.

I sat on the couch and watched as everyone exited my home.

"Hey Y/n, thanks for letting us use your place. I know it was last minute, but I'm glad you were up for it," Ben graciously thanked me as I got up to walk him out.

"Anytime, Ben. Text me if you need anything else!" I said to him.

"Of course, I'll catch you later?"

"Yeah! See ya." I said to him, watching him pull out of the drive way.

I make my way back inside to see how Lana is doing. I notice that she isn't in the living room, so I head upstairs to see what she's up to.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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