Dinner Parties

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Every year, the school held a Christmas Banquet fundraiser. And every year, the Reagan kids had a blast. Who wouldn't have fun at a banquet with Christmas dinner and all their friends? While the boys complained about dressing up, Erin lived for it. She always wore something green and red, and always did her hair in a fancy way.

This year, Danny was hoping a certain blonde Italian girl would come along. He called her as soon as he could, "hey, you going to the Christmas banquet?"

"I think so! I mean, I hope so. I haven't asked my parents yet."

"Will they be coming?"

"Probably not. But I'll be there. They'll understand if it's a school thing."

"I hope so."

"They will," Linda said optimistically. "They might not like it, or even come to it, but they understand school."


"There's going to be a fundraiser at the school. Do you wanna come? It's on the twentieth." Linda asked her parents, knowing what the answer was going to be. They were going to say no. They always did. But maybe they wouldn't this time?

Tony scoffed, "I'd rather eat glass than associate with you and your stupid little friends."

She closed her eyes, "Mama?"

"I'm going to be at your Aunt's house," Marni didn't even look up from painting her nails.

"Of course," Linda mumbled. She cleared her throat, "you couldn't visit Aunt Clara another time? Please, Mama, this is important!"

"Don't talk back to your mother," Tony gave her a warning glance.

Marni sighed dramatically, finally looking at her daughter. "No! Your Aunt Clara's all alone! She needs company during the holiday season. Get Jimmy to take you."


"I'm gonna come get you later," Jimmy said shortly. "Be ready."

"Bye," she didn't answer his command. She couldn't promise she'd be ready by the time he came. What if she was helping clean up? (Which she most definitely would be doing). What if she was busy talking to Simone? Or better yet, what if she was giving her boyfriend a goodnight kiss? She couldn't possibly rush that!

Linda decided not to let what ifs ruin her evening. She smiled at the boy who opened the door for her, then searched her friend out. She sat with Simone and her family for most of the evening until she went back for seconds.

"Oh, I love your dress! It really complements your hair!" Linda smiled at the lady in line, who looked vaguely familiar.

"Thank you! Oh, and your dress looks beautiful with you blonde hair." She plopped some mashed potatoes on her plate.

Linda looked down at her green velvet dress with the lace sleeves. She guessed it did go with her long blonde hair. "Thank you. You're- you're Mrs. Reagan, aren't you? Danny's Mom?"

"I am!" She smiled proudly. "What's your name, dear?"

"Linda O'Shea."

"Linda O'Shea!" Mary smiled. She knew of Linda. Linda was the girl that had Danny in such a great mood. "Are you here with your family?"

"Um, no. No, they couldn't make it tonight."

"Oh, that's too bad. Why don't you come and sit with us?"

As exciting as that prospect was, she couldn't except. She'd be imposing. "Thank you, but I couldn't do that. I don't want to impose."

"Nonsense! Come, come."

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