Meet My Boyfriend

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"Erin's invited us to have dinner with her and her boyfriend," Linda told Danny over the phone. "Think you can make it? She's taking us someplace nicer than McDonald's or any fast food joint."

"Are you telling me to dress nice?"

"Please? I think Erin really likes this guy, and she wants us to make a good first impression."


"Do you know who he is?" Danny asked Linda as they walked into the restaurant.

"No, I don't."

"How many?" The hostess asked.

"We're meeting some friends. The name's Reagan," Danny said politely.

"Oh yes, right this way."

Linda grabbed his hand as the hostess showed them the way to their table.

"Oh, good, you're here!" Erin smiled as she stood up. Her date stood next. "Danny, Linda, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend. Jack Boyle."

Shit, shit, shit shit shit. Linda's heart pounded faster when she heard his name and saw his face. It couldn't be; Erin couldn't be in love with him. Why was Erin in love with him?!

"Linda?" Danny put his hand on her shoulder, and made her jump. "Do you want to sit down?"

"Oh..." she sat in the chair that Danny had pulled out for her.

"I hate it when a man does that," Erin stated.

"I find it chivalrous," Linda smiled a little.

"Have we met before?" Jack asked Linda. He seemed to be very interested in whatever answer he gave.

"No," she shook her head.

While they waited for the waitress or waiter to come take their order, Erin gushed about Jack. But all Linda could think about was being pinned down in that shed.

After their drinks were ordered, Jack looked at Linda intently once again. "Are you sure we haven't met before? You look... so familiar," he told her, smiling.

His smile sent chills up and down her spine. "I'm sure."

"It's funny- I could've sworn we've met before."

"You must have me confused with someone else."

"I don't think so. See, I'm very good with faces. And I'm sure I've seen your face before. It's not one I'd easily forget."

Panic and bile made their way up her throat as he complimented her. His smile looked normal to everyone else, but she knew what was behind it.

"She hasn't met you before," Danny interrupted. "So just drop it, and decided what you're gonna order."

"Danny!" Erin hissed, annoyed.

The rest of dinner went smoothly— but not for Linda. She couldn't really eat, her stomach was queasy, and she had to play nice with her attacker. She should tell Danny about it later, but she won't.


While Erin talked to Danny about his most recent case, Jack stood next to Linda. He put a hand up her skirt and on her ass, and she jumped. She tried to jump away, but his grip tightened and dug into her flesh. "Does he get you wet?"

"What?" She couldn't hear over the sound of her beating heart.

His fingers dug down into her skin, "does your fiancé make you wet?"

"We're waiting for marriage. Can you take your hand out from under my dress?"

He only moved his hand, his long fingers sliding between her legs. (She was so glad she chose very last minute to wear underwear). "That's a no then," he started to move his fingers, and Linda squirmed. "I can make you wetter than he ever will."

Jack took his hand away and slapped her ass. He whispered in her ear, "just remember, I was your first."

She felt like crying as he walked away. In fact, she did cry, right in the parking lot of the Ruby Tuesday's.

Danny turned his head as soon as he heard Linda crying. "Linda?" He rushed over to her, followed by Erin. He held her shoulders, pushed her hair away with his fingers. "What's wrong?"

She looked at Jack, who stood behind Erin, then simply shook her head. She couldn't tell him in front of Erin. That would be unfair to Erin. "Can we go home now?" She asked in a small voice.

"Yeah, of course." He turned to Erin and Jack. "Sorry— it was nice meeting you, Jack."

"It was nice meeting you two as well," he said smoothly, looking directly at Linda. He moved his lips in a kissing motion, and that only caused her to cry harder.

Danny led her to the car, and held the door open for her to climb in. She buckled up as he rounded the car and got in. He looked at her for a beat, "what happened? One minute you're smiling, and the next you're sobbing. Did something— or- or maybe someone—  scare you?"

Jack scared me. He put his hand up my skirt, grabbed my ass, then rubbed me. I didn't want him to, he just did!

"I...." She continued crying, trying to think up a lie. "A- a noi-noise scared me, that's all."

"A noise?"

She nodded, then shook her head. "I'm sorry. I can be so stupid sometimes."

"Hey, no," Danny leaned over the counsel and kissed her cheek. "If something scared you, then it scared you. It's fine. Let's go home now."

She nodded, hoping she wouldn't have to do anymore explaining.


"Do you think you could stay over tonight?" Linda asked, trying to sound casual.

"I was going to ask you the same thing." He followed her into the bedroom, then waited while she changed in her closet. "A noise scared you, huh?"

Linda looked at him, temporarily frozen. "Y-yeah."

Danny stood up, and walked closer to her. "I may not be the smartest tool in the shed, but I know how to read people. And you've been nervous ever since the restaurant. What's wrong?"

She sighed, then swallowed. She had to think up a lie, and quickly. "You remember my old boyfriend, Mark? The one before you?"

"Yeah. Six-foot, VW van, restaurant on the beach. Why?"

"Jack... reminded me of him. Y'know, tall, dark, and handsome."

"You think Jack's handsome?"

"No. But that's the kind of vibe he gives off, y'know?"

"Hmm. So that was it? Just bad vibes and bad memories?"

"Yeah. Yeah, that was it." She looked down, "I'm sorry about ruining the night."

"Oh, no, honey, you didn't. It's fine."


"Did you ever find out what happened with Linda?" Erin asked Danny the next day when he stopped by.

"Something happened to Linda?" Joe, who was having lunch with his sister, questioned.

"She was fine one minute, then sobbing the next in the restaurant parking lot."

"Sounds like PMS," Joe shrugged simply.

"No, she just finished with all that. She said something scared her. Some sort of noise," Danny explained.

"And you believe that?"

"No. But what else could it be?"

"We may never know.... You could always try to ask her again. Did she seem okay in the restaurant?"

"She said she had a headache. I think it went away when she ate. You know how she gets," Erin explained with a shrug.

"I think Jack reminded her of someone in her past. A jerk boyfriend," Danny clarified.

"Well Jack wants to do it again soon. So whatever hang up she has around him, she's got to get over it," Erin told Danny, making both brothers frown.

Linda Rose: Her StoryWhere stories live. Discover now