It's Just Stress

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"Hey!" Mary smiled at her daughter in law. "I was hoping you'd stop by for breakfast."

"It'll have to be without the breakfast," Linda sighed, putting her hands on her hips.

"You okay, honey?"

"Yeah. I've just been feeling a little nauseous lately."

"How come?"

She shrugged, sitting at the island. "Probably 'cause of stress, y'know? I mean, Danny just got transferred to another precinct, and his boss absolutely hates him. He won't admit it, because he still thinks he needs to be super-cop and super-husband, but he's stressed too. I can tell."

"Is that it? Just stress?"

"Yeah. We're still waiting for confirmation on the house, you know. Nothing's been confirmed yet, but I think we'll get it."

"Oh, I hope so, dear. You're so cramped in that apartment."

"I know. We can't even have Nicky over when Jack and Erin need us to babysit." She fanned herself with the paper sitting in front of her.

"Do you need to take something for the nausea?"

"Usually I just chug some coffee or a Coke. But every time I look at one, it's like it's going to be a chore to drink it. Y'know what I mean?"

"Not really," Mary admitted. "But let me make you some tea."

"Tea I can handle. Danny's actually gotten pretty good at making it the way I like."

"So you're putting my boy to good use. Excellent."

Linda giggled, "I think he likes it. Makes him feel like he's bringing me a gourmet meal or something, I don't know. It's cute."

Mary handed Linda the tea, "here you go, sweetie. I'd let it sit for another minute or two, since you like it strong."

"So how're you and Frank? Adjusting nicely to the new job?"

"Oh, yeah. He just loves it. He says he feels like he's making a real difference."

"Oh, that's good. I'm glad," she sipped her tea, sighing as the liquid burned her throat.

"So, uh, tell me about this sickness. Is it just in the mornings?"

"Mm," she nodded, putting her tea cup down. "It's the worse in the morning."

"And it gets better throughout the day?"

"Around four in the afternoon."

"Has that happened before?"

"When I was in high school. It was because of low iron, though. I bet it's just that. I'm sure it's that— I'm feeling the same way. I guess I should get that checked out, huh?"

"Linda," Mary started slowly, "when was your last period?"

"It was Jan— December." She furrowed her brow. "Yeah, December, uh... December fifth."

"And it's February eighteenth today. Which means you've missed a period. You've missed two!"

"Oh come on, Mary. You know my cycle isn't exactly regular."

Mary stared at her with a really? expression.

The dots started to connect, "so you- you think I'm... pregnant?"

"It makes sense, based on what you're telling me."

"No, no, no. That's not- not— no. No way. No, Uh uh."


"Well how- how do you know?"

"I'm a mother. A mother knows."


"Hey, Annie!" Linda caught up to her friend later that day at the hospital. "Do you have a few minutes?"

"I was just about to head home."

"Great! Can you help me?"

"John's waiting for me..."

"It won't take long. Please, Annie? I'll make it up to you. I promise."

"Alright. Fine. What do you need?"

"Blood taken and then tested. I already called Tim down at the lab, and he's willing to stay a few extra minutes."

"Well yeah, he's willing to stay. He's got a crush on you!"

"And I'm taking advantage of it right now. I'll confess later," she grabbed Annie's hand and dragged her the room where they take blood.


Linda bit her lip as she surveyed the table. She had pulled out the nice white table cloth, and laid a smaller pink one over it. She set up candles and dimmed the lights, dinner already plated. It was duck à l'orange with roasted potatoes, green beans, and mushrooms. She made a nice side salad, and had the wine ready to pour.

"Of course, you won't be drinking any for quite some time," she told herself, ending the sentence in a delighted squeak.

She watched out the window for Danny's car to arrive; thankfully, she didn't wait long. She greeted him with a kiss, smiling when he moaned and then whined when he pulled away.

He surveyed the room, "what's all this?"

"Well I thought it'd be nice to have a fancy dinner. We've missed each other the past week, and since we can't go to date night, I thought I'd bring the date to us."

"I like where your head's at."

"Oh! And I also got you this." She paused awkwardly before turning to the table. She was supposed to wait until the dessert of strawberry pie and vanilla ice cream, but it just slipped out.

"Aw, you got me a present?"

She only smiled, holding the rectangular box behind her back. "Hold out your hands."

Danny smirked before kissing her nose. He turned his hands palm up, waiting for the present.

Linda held her breath and bit her lip before placing the box in Danny's hands. Please be excited, please be excited. Please, please, please be excited!

"Is it a watch? I know I scratched up the, uh, the glass but I really don't need a new one."

"Just open it, Danny."

He took the ribbon off the box, and opened it, his face contorting in confusion. "It's a pregnancy test. Why'd you give me this?"

She was stunned so her sass came through. "Why the hell would I give you a pregnancy test?"

He inspected it more closely, before looking at her, shocked. "Linda, this is positive."

She had her hands clasped in front of her mouth as she nodded. "Uh huh."

"Are- are you sure?"

"Yes," she laughed. "I took two tests, plus I got my blood tested. I'm pregnant!"

"Oh honey!" He quickly threw his arms around her waist and spun her around. He kissed her passionately, setting her feet back on the ground. As soon as her feet touched the ground, though, he said, "sit. You gotta sit!"

Linda didn't protest, only smiled widely as she sat in the chair he pulled out. He kneeled in front of her, and she had to laugh again.

"I love you so much, Linda."

"I love you so much more."

"I love you most. And soon, we'll have someone else to love," he put his hand on her stomach, neither of them being able to stop their grins and laughter for the rest of the night.

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