Today Is Your Day

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"Happy birthday to you." The melody to the New Kids' song filled her ears.

"This is your day," Linda sang sleepily, her face buried in the pillow.

"No, this is your day," Danny booped her nose and kissed her cheek.

"This is my day," Linda yawned and sleepily smiled. "It's my birthday."

"Yes, it is." He kissed her lips sweetly, moaning slightly when Linda wrapped an arm around his neck and caressed his cheek.

Linda intensified the kiss, causing Danny to move on top of her. Easily, she flipped them over so she was on top. She snuggled against him, still sleepy but content. She'd stay like this forever if she could.

"Better get up, Linda," he lightly whacked her butt.

"But I'm comfy. Can't I have five more minutes?"

"You could, but it's not a part of my plan."

"Your plan?" She made no effort to move.

"I've got a whole day planned, starting with breakfast at your favorite breakfast place."

The blonde lifted her head, "IHOP?" It wasn't the fanciest place, and probably not the best pancake house in their area, but she loved it just the same. It was the nostalgia factor, she guessed.


Quickly, she rolled out of bed and started gathering her clothes. Danny laughed at her sudden enthusiasm. "IHOP sounds great, but I have to shower first. My hair's a mess!" She slipped into the en-suite.

Stretching out on top of the covers, Danny put his arms behind his head. "Take all the time you need."

"Since it's my birthday... I can have whatever I want, right?"

"Yeah. Whatever you want, I'll do it or get it. Whaddaya want?" He turned his head to the en-suite.

Linda walked out in her birthday suit, "for you to join me in a morning shower."

The detective grinned widely and practically jumped out of bed, making Linda laugh.


"We'll have to bring the boys here sometime soon. Jack keeps talking about the Madagascar pancakes."

He nodded in agreement,

Danny choked on his bacon when he felt a familiar foot pressing against his pant zipper. He leaned forward and lowered his voice. "Linda, need I remind you that we're in a restaurant with no table cloths?"

Reluctantly, she removed her foot, but not before pressing it against his zipper. She smiled a little sexily, but returned to her meal. "So, you said you had a big day planned. Wanna give me hints?"

"Nope. It's a surprise."

"Ooh. Care to give me a teeny hint?"

"No." Laughing, Danny repeated, "it's a surprise!"

"Aw, come on, please?"

"Your pouty face isn't going to get me to cave." He pointed a finger at her, "and you better keep that foot to yourself."

She frowned, "you used to let me do that."

"Yeah, in restaurants with table cloths. In the dim light. Not in broad daylight."

"So I can do it to you in the dim light?"

"You can do whatever the hell you want to me in the dim light."

Linda bit her lip and blushed, looking down into her coffee. "I know exactly how I want to spend my evening.... Unless it's not on your itinerary?"

Danny pretended to think about it for a minute. "Mm, no, I think I can shift some things around. After all, you're the birthday girl."


Linda was definitely surprised. When they returned home from breakfast, Danny said they could do whatever she wanted. She recruited Danny to help her make sour dough for the bread she was planning to bake tomorrow. They watched a few of her favorite shows, then went to a fancy Italian restaurant for lunch.

"I recognize this place," Linda mused, looking around as she held her menu. It was a fancy restaurant, with soft music and gold accents on nearly everything. The gold was fake, she knew, but it was still pretty.

"Yeah, we come here every now and again."

"No, no. This was were you took me for graduating summa cum laud!" She grinned widely, remembering that day. It had been great: warm, sunny weather without a cloud in the sky. It was before the graduation ceremony, so it was just her and him. After the ceremony, the Reagans treated her to dinner.

"That's right," he smiled, then frowned when he saw the prices. Could barely afford it then, too.

"I was not expecting this. This is- this is great. I remember it. We had only been married for seven months." Linda sighed nostalgically. "That feels like yesterday, yet so long ago."

"I know. Don't mention that weird, existential crisis question you like to ask on every birthday. My birthday's comin' up next, and I already feel old."

"Mm," she set her drink down, "you're not old, Danny. And even if you were, no one could tell, 'cause you age like fine wine. It simply isn't fair."

He laughed at her comment. "I'd just like to take a moment to tell you that you are absolutely gorgeous in that dress."

She looked down at her casual sundress. It was a blue and white, lose fitting dress, showing just the right amount of cleavage. (Maybe that was why he liked it). "You've seen me in this dress before, Danny. It's not like it's super fancy. Or sexy."

"I think it is. Anything you wear immediately becomes sexy."

She blushed, "eat your food, Detective."


Linda sighed happily as she laid in bed many hours later. She was tired from the exciting day and all the food she normally wouldn't eat... not to mention the birthday sex, which was absolutely wonderful.

"That was a great birthday. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner at my favorite restaurants. And another birthday party when everyone's in town in a week." She snuggled into Danny's side and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for a great birthday."

"Anything for you, babe." He kissed her head, holding her close to him. He was glad he could give her such a great birthday this year.

"Did I tell you that I love you? I love you, Danny."

"I love you more, Linda."

"I love you most."

"Doubtful," he continued to tease her as she drifted off to sleep.

"I'll just have to prove you wrong," she mumbled before falling into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Linda Rose: Her StoryWhere stories live. Discover now