Sleeping In Your Bed

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It was Danny's night for babysitting duty, and he grumbled about it to no end. His parents were out at some banquet or event, and Erin and Joe were out with dates.

He was sort of watching Jamie; seven years old was too old to watch like a Hawk. But Jamie did have a knack for getting into trouble. So Danny kept a lazy eye on him. Lucky for the babysitter, Jamie dutifully did his homework and was now quietly reading.

"When do you want to eat, kid? Mom said there are leftovers in the fridge."

"I don't know. Normal time?"

So he took out the leftover shepherds pie to let it get to room temperature for a little bit. He was deciding if anything should be on the side when the phone rang.

"Reagan," he answered, ignoring the proper protocol his Mom had taught him ten years ago.

"Danny? It's Linda-"

"Hey, Linda. What's up?"

"Um..." she fiddled with the phone chord, making it make little clack clack clack sounds against the nightstand. "Can I— never mind. It's silly."

"No, what is it?" He could tell by her voice something was wrong. He didn't really know what went on in that house- other than her parents were mostly absent- but surely they wouldn't.... "What's wrong? You can tell me."

"Well... no one's home, everyone's out of town-"

"Even your grandma?"

"Yeah. So I'm home alone." She hated to be alone. She could feel her heartbeat picking up speed. Though, to be honest, she wasn't sure if that was from her fear or from asking Danny her question.

"And you'd like to come over," he guessed.

She sighed, "would you mind? I wouldn't interrupt anything, and I can—"

"Say no more; we'll come get you."



"Linda!" Jamie smiled widely at her and hugged her tightly.

She laughed, "hey, Jamie."

"Do you have a bag?" Danny wanted to know.

"What? No. Other than my purse, I don't."

"Pack one."


"You're staying the night!" Jamie filled in. "On account of Danny saying it isn't right for you to be all alone. Plus, he wants to sleep with you."

Linda's eyes darted to Danny, who wasn't looking at her and blushing. "Um..."

"Jamie, remember how you and Mom talked about private conversations, and how they're less private in front of friends?" Danny asked him.

"But I have my friends sleep over all the time. What's wrong with you wanting to have Linda sleep over?"

"Uh, Jamie, since it's been decided I'm staying over, wanna help me pack a bag?" Linda stepped aside for Jamie to bounce into the house.

"Damn kid," Danny cursed, following after them.


Danny plopped Linda's bag in his room, then came back to the kitchen. "Have you eaten yet?"

She shook her head.

"We were just about to get started when you called. You like shepherds pie?"

"Oh, yes, it's one of my favorites."

Linda Rose: Her StoryWhere stories live. Discover now