Falling For Danny

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The first half of the school day was over, much to her relief. But her relief was quickly replaced with fear and anxiety as she realized her math class was next. She was taking the senior math class, which meant two things: one, she was smart, and two- she would be the youngest one there and not know anyone. She hated feeling out of place.

Her grandmother always said Linda was shy at first, but once she felt comfortable, she felt comfortable. She'd laugh and joke, roll her eyes with annoyance or affection, comment appropriate things. She was a people person, even if she seemed a little closed off at times.

Linda blew out a breath before walking into the math classroom. She scanned the room, smiling when she saw the nice boy who had given her his sandwich. She watched him as he drummed the table with his pencil and his pointer finger. She wondered if he was musically inclined, or if he was just a barely-contained hyperactive ball of energy waiting for an opportunity to run.

She slipped into the seat next to him, smiling. "Hi, Danny."

"Hey!" He smiled back at her, stopping his drumming. There was a brief awkward pause before he stated, "so, uh... hey! Senior math class, huh?"

"Oh, yeah..." she blushed and shrugged and rolled her eyes like it wasn't impressive.

"That's impressive. And lucky for you. You won't have to take it again next year."

"I won't if I pass."

"You will."

"How do you know?"

"You're in a senior math class, so you're obviously very smart. You'll pass."

"Oh, I'm not very smart. I just remember what I read and then pass the tests. But I'm not smart."

"Modest too."

She blushed again, hating how her heart fluttered in her chest. She was extremely glad when the teacher started the lesson.


"Do you have a ride?" Danny asked her after school.

"My brother's driving us home," she smiled at him. "At least he's supposed to be."

"I can drive you, it's no big deal."

"It's a fifty minute drive. You won't be home until five." She knew he lived in Bay Ridge.

"How old are you?"


"Why aren't you driving?"

"Car's in the shop. Really, Danny. It's no big deal."

As if in cue, Jimmy, her brother, screeched to a stop in front of them. He leaned over and opened the door for her. "Get in, sis."

"See? It was nice meeting you, Danny. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye," he watched Jimmy drive away.


"So how was your first day at your new school?" Elliot asked excitedly.

"It was... fine," Linda said with a smile.

"Who is he?"


"You don't smile like that for just anybody. Who is he?"

Trying to deflect, Linda asked, "what if he's a she?"

"Then I'd who is she?, then I'd welcome you to the other side."

She laughed as she shook her head, "shut up."

"So his name is...?"

"His name is Danny Reagan, if you must know. And nothing's happened at all."

"You just think he's the cutest."

"Why do you ask me questions you already know the answer to?"

"What did he do to make you smile like that?"

"He... gave me his sandwich." Linda didn't want to give too much away. She'd only known Danny for a day, and while he made her smile grow twice as large, she'd  hardly consider them more than acquaintances at this point.

Elliot folded his arms on the table and looked at her seriously, "is he cute?"

"Adorable!" The word was out before she could stop it. The blush on her cheeks told Elliot what he needed to know.

"So you are attracted to him. What does he look like?"

"Kinda like Donnie Wahlberg." She hadn't realized the striking resemblance until the ride home.

He squeaked in delight, "tell me more."

"Elliot, I only met him today. I have two classes with him, and he let me sit with him and his friends during lunch."

"He gave you his sandwich, Linda. Any teenage boy who gives up his sandwich has to have at least a little bit of a boner for you."

"Elli!" She blushed profusely, forcing her eyes to focus on her homework in front of her.

"I'm just saying. We are hungry, ravenous little raccoons. We'll eat anything and everything. I bet he's eating half a cow now because he's so hungry."

"Can we focus here?"

"We are focusing. On you and your crush on the Donnie look-alike."

"I meant on homework." She taped his book with her pencil, "come on."

Elliot sighed but turned back to his homework. He'd get his friend to tell him more. He knew when she was excited about something, she couldn't stop talking about it.

"I've never had anyone give me a sandwich before," Linda mused after a few minutes. "Aside from my Nonna and parents, of course."

"Of course," Elliot agreed. "What kind was it?"

"Roast beef. It was good, I liked it."

"Maybe he'll give you another one tomorrow."

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm bringing my own lunch tomorrow."


There was no sandwich the next day, but there was the same adorable smile and warm green eyes. She sat next to him again at lunch, laughing easily at his jokes. She felt like she had known him for more than a day.

Her place became next to him, at lunch and during math class. She had Simone and her girlfriends to hang out with, of course, but it was just something about Danny Reagan. Something warm and friendly and inviting.

And the he had kissed her, and she wanted to grab his jacket and make out with him on that street corner. She went home with her head in the clouds, a smile on her face as she fell asleep.

Saturday morning, as soon as she ate breakfast, she walked to Elliot's house. She needed to tell him everything.

Dear Diary,

There's been a minor inconvenience in my plan to swear off men for a year. And his name is Danny Reagan.

Linda Rose: Her StoryWhere stories live. Discover now