You've Got This

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"When's your test?" Linda asked Brie as she made a cup of tea. She had coffee in the early morning, but tried to have tea (or water) the rest of the day.

"Today," Brie answered, hoping Linda didn't hear the quaver in her voice. She hadn't studied enough. She messed about like she did in high school. She couldn't do that in college, not when she wanted a psychology degree. She was going to fail, and she knew it. What was she supposed to be if not a psychologist?

"You'll do great. Want me to make you some lunch?"

"I'll just have the leftover pizza. I'm going to eat it in my room, so I can study some more. Okay?"

"Yeah sure. You'll do great, though."

Brie forced a smile, swallowing the tears. If she failed this, her Uncle Ray- who had paid for tuition- was going to be so mad. She had failed one class last semester, a class she didn't need but had taken for a cushion. And because it was a cushion, she let herself fall behind and not put as much work into it. Her Uncle had been beyond livid. Livid was an understatement. She couldn't fail again.

Brie heated two slices of pizza, and sat in her room. She read and reread her notes, none of the words making sense. Her professor, Dr. Newman, had said it was mostly true/false and essay questions. Still she was nervous. She didn't know what the true/false question could be, and those were the ones she was worried about. She could BS on the essay questions- she was good at that- but the true false?

She swallowed a bite of pizza that tasted like sawdust and made her want to puke. Her class was in seventeen minutes, and she'd usually be walking the ten minute journey right about now. She was too nervous to do so though, wondering if she should call a classmate and tell them to tell Newton that she was sick. She'd get her test the next class, giving her three more days to study.

Brie let out a shaky breath as the stupid tears pricked her eyes. They started to fall, blurring the blue ink form her notes. She put her hands in her hair, almost squeezing the sides of her head. She couldn't fail this, she just couldn't. She needed to pass, needed to get at least a C. If she got anything lower, she'd fail. She needed to-

"Shouldn't you be- What's wrong?" Linda walked in and sat on her bed. She put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Brie?"

"I don't want to take this test. I have a C right now; if I fail, I fail. It's a last exam."

This early? Linda thought, but didn't say. It was probably an eight week course. "You won't fail."

"You don't know that!" In any other moment, she might feel bad about yelling needlessly at her friend. But now she didn't think about it.

"I do. Brie," she put her other hand on her other shoulder, turning her to face her. "You know this as well as you know the Rumors album."

Brie laughed a little bit, sniffling.

"You can do it, I know so," she gave her friend a supportive hug. "I'll even wait for you if you want."

She swiped her hand below her nose, "you would?"

"Sure. And I'll take you out for a celebratory coffee afterwards."

"I won't know I pass until like next week." She sniffled again, looking at where their knees touched.

"So we'll go for another coffee."

"How are you so sure?"

"Because Brie Riley isn't a failure. She's smart as hell! She'd have to be to be studying psychology." She smiled, "Brie, you've got this."

She nodded, not believing, but realizing she might as well get it over with. Her Uncle Ray had said he didn't mind paying for classes, but he did mind when she failed them. "Okay. Thank you."

Linda only smiled and rubbed her friend's shoulder supportively.


"You're going to do great!" Linda reassured Brie again before she went to her death.

She nodded, "thank you."

"You're welcome. Now knock 'em dead!"

Brie smiled and turned, walking into the classroom. She waved to Linda once she sat down. Class didn't start for another five minutes, and she was going to use it to study.

"Are you ready?" Camille, a nice French girl from the Caribbean- Brie couldn't remember which island- asked her quietly.

"I hope so," she said with a nervous laugh. "Are you?"

She nodded with confidence. "Good luck."

I'm gonna need it, Brie thought as Newton entered the classroom. She exhaled shakily, Linda's words echoing in her ears.

Brie, you've got this.


Linda had brought her current read, The Scarlet Letter, despite having read it three times by now. She was sitting at one of the tall tables outside the library and across from the elevators, waiting for her friend. She was sure Brie would pass; she was smart and passionate about the subject. It was just nerves getting to her.

She had just finished the fifth chapter when Brie sat down across from her. She closed the book and leaned on the table. "So? How'd you think you did?"

"It was easier than I thought it would be. I hope I passed."

"Of course you passed. You were just nervous," Linda dropped her book into her bag. "Ready for that coffee?"

"We don't have to-"

"Brie. I'm buying you a coffee. Today. And then next week, we'll go somewhere to celebrate your victory."

"My victory? I haven't done anything."

"You passed, didn't you? Now come on, I wanna get a pumpkin spice latter before they sell out like last time."

"Can we get some muffins too?" She wondered. "They'll be good for breakfast tomorrow."

She smiled and linked their arms together, "sure, Brie. Whatever your heart desires."

If Linda wasn't a straight woman with a fiancé, Brie would totally date her. Maybe even marry her.

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