A Short but Scary Life

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"And here is where we put number 5."

I stare through the glass as the man in the white coat motions towards something outside my field of view. 

The white walls around me are bare, and I am currently sitting on a chair that sits just in front of the back wall.

There's not a lot I can remember at the moment.

I only remember opening my eyes in the middle of a much smaller, stranger room, my body and clothes wet with some kind of liquid that felt warm.

Some sort of mask connected to a tube was dangling in front of me then, as if I had taken it off without even knowing it.

The drains on the floor of that room has closed once all the liquid was gone, and I was taken by a few strange people in white coats to be dried off.

They never told me exactly why I was here though...

As I look through the glass in front of me, I see four people walk in front of it.

I immediately noticed that they weren't wearing white clothes. In fact, they didn't look like they worked here at all.

One of them looks oddly familiar.

"Say, I don't see anything wrong with it," the odd one with the auburn hair says.

"I'm afraid that our scans have showed that its vocal cords did not fully develop," says the person in white, "But, we expect the next one to be more perfect."

I did know that I couldn't talk, but I didn't see any issues with it.



What did he mean by the next one?

The one with the blue eyes speaks next.

"Can it think?"

The man in white responds to his question.

"It is expected so. The previous 3 showed signs of intelligence. Certainly a step up from the first one."

The one with the rather large eye brows speaks next, and my confusion only grows with each passing moment.

"Yeesh. I remember that one. It just drooled all over the place."

The man next to him shakes his head.

"Truly disgusting it was, wasn't it, John?"

John, the same one with the auburn hair, responds to his question.

"Tell me about it, Paul. To see myself act so... Bleh, thank goodness you lads are getting better at this each time."

"Trial and error at its finest," responds the man in white.

As I stare at John, I swear that he looks more familiar with each passing second.

From what little I could see of my hair that hung over my forehead, it seems as though our hair was the same color.

In fact, I don't think that I've ever seen my own face in the few days I've been here.

"Well, I'd like to continue this visit, but we do need to do our job now," says the man in white as he turns and walks just out of view of the glass.

I shake my head and rest it against the wall that my chair sits up against, confusion and boredom plaguing my thoughts.

The four people stare at me, and, aside from John, I don't pay attention to them.

I am about to stand up when I hear a sound from the wall behind me.

A small spot on it opens and a metal claw-like device quickly comes out of the opening, firmly grabbing onto my neck.

I start to panic then, my hands grabbing at the device as it chokes me.

I can't move from this spot, and the chair falls over as I try to free myself from it.

No yells escape from my mouth as I continue to struggle, and the four people outside of my room simply stare on.

Why aren't they doing anything?

I hear a strange sound, and I look up at the ceiling, seeing that a spot on it was opening as well.

A strange, box-shaped contraption lowers from it, a rod-like protrusion easily visible on it.

The contraption turns towards my direction, and the cylindrical side points directly at my head.

I can't move out of the way, and I stare at the four men who stare at me from the other side of the glass.

I see John smirk and shake his head.

"Too bad you turned out to be an imperfect clone as well."

My eyes grow wide, the faint sound of a raising pitch emanating from the device on the ceiling becoming audible.

It's all clear to me now...

I know why I'm here...

I know what's about to happen...

I instinctively try to scream, but my underdeveloped vocal cords are unable to make any sound at all.

A popping sound echoes through the room, and I feel...







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