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Tommy and Pietra sat with their mother between them on the couch. They were looking St Billy who did trix with Sparky.

''Sit, Sparky, sit.'' Said Billy.

Sparky sat down.

''Good dog.'' Said Billy and gave him a Sweet.

''Speak.'' Said Billy.

Sparky Barked.

''Nice, Sparky.'' Said Billy and gave him a Sweet.

''Now spin.'' Said Billy.

Sparky did a spin.

''Good, boy.'' Said Billy and gave him a Sweet.

Wanda, Pietra and Tommy clapped.

''Oh! Bravo, Billy! You weren't so bad Either, Sparky.'' Said Wanda.

Billy picked up Sparky and sat down beside his brother.

''That was radical. Where's dad? We gotta show dad!'' Said Tommy

The triplets got of the couch and started to run.

''Oh, He'd... he's at work.'' Said Wanda.

The kids stopped running and looked at her.

''Huh?'' Said Tommy.

''It's saturday.'' Said Pietra.

''No, it's not. It's monday.'' Said Wanda.

''This morning was saturday.'' Said Tommy.

''There was an emergency at the office and your Father had to go in. End of story.'' Said Wanda.

The triplets looked ar each others. Wouldn't he at least say something?

''Look, he just... needed a distraction.'' Said Wanda.

''From What?'' Asked Pietra.

''From us?'' Asked Billy.

Pietra layed an arm around him. As the oldest triple She felt it was her talk to protec ther younger brothers.

''No! No way! No!'' Said Wanda.

She got up and led her kids to the couch,

''Sometimes your dad and i aren't on the dame page.'' Said Wanda.

They all sat down on the couch.

''But that's just temporary. Like the three of you might fight over toys, But their always going to be your brother and sister.'' Said Wanda to Billy. ''Their always going to be yours.'' Said Wanda to Tommy. ''And their always going to be your brothers.'' Said Wanda go Pietra. ''Because family is forever.'' Said Wanda.

''Do you have a brother, Mom?'' Asked Tommy.

''I do. Yeah. He's far away from here. And that makes me sad Sometimes.'' Said Wanda.

''Your brother, is a brave? Does he protect loved ones?'' Asked Pietra.

''He did. He always did it. And so did a Good friend of mine. Her name was, Natasha Romanoff. You know Pietra. It's because of them you have your name. Your first name from my brother. And your middle name from my friend. And i see them both in you.'' Said Wanda.

Pietra smiled. Although her brother and friend were far away. Pietra could make her feel They aren't that far away.

Sparky jumped out of billy's arms. He runned to the door.

''Hey, Sparky, What's up, boy?'' Asked Billy.

''Sparky?'' Asked Pietra.

Sparky growled.

Wanda Maximoff DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now