The last episode

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Wanda's Children were gaspimg hard for air.

''Get off of me! Let go of my brothers!'' Said Pietra.

''My powers work pit here, or did you forget?'' Asked Wanda.

''Mo, dear. I'm counting on it.'' Said Agatha.

Tommy and Pietra felt something in their heads. It was a message from Billy. 'Run'. That wouldn't work. It wouldn't help.

''No.'' Said Pietra But Tommy and Billy already started to run. They both feld down on the ground.

''No!'' Saod Wanda.

She used magic andagatha flyed back. Pietra helped her brothers up and They quickly runned to their mother.

''Go to your room.'' Said Wanda.

''No way, We're staying with you.'' Said Pietra.

''Come on, Mom, We fan help.'' Said Billy.

''Listen to your mother, kids.'' Said Agatha.

''Now!'' Said Wanda.

Tommy grabbed his sibblings hands and They super speeded In. They ened up in the boys room. They went on tommy's bed and looked out the window.


The triplets saw their Father fighting a copy of him. Just white as snow. Thye flyed high up in the air.

''Can you see them anymore?'' Asked Billy.

''No.'' Said Tommy.

Billy closed his eyes. He looked a little scarde.

''Billy. Billy, What's wrong?'' Asked Pietra.

''We've got to go.'' Said Billy.

To,my quickly grabbed his sibblings hands and They all runned.


The kids Where almost with their parents. But something was wrong.

''Mom!'' Said Billy.

''Help, Mom!'' Said Tommy.

The triplets feld tp the ground.

''Now You see. You tied your family to this twisted world, and now one can't exist without the other.'' Said Agatha.

Pietra looked around her. Something was going on But She didn't know What. She got tears of the sound of her brothers shouting for help.

''Mom!'' Said Billy.

''Mom!'' Said Tommy.

''Boys! Pietra!'' Said Vision.

''Dad!'' Said Pietra.

''Save Westview pr save your family.'' Said Agatha.

''Mom! Help!'' Saod Tommy.

''Help! Please!'' Said Billy.

Pietra layed her arms around her brothers.

''Mom, help!'' Saod Billy.

''Mom!'' Said Tommy.

Little Pietra got fristende of everything that happened. Wanda stopped useimg her powers amd her family came whole again. Vision got up and runned to Wanda. Then the triplets got up and also runend over there.

''Mom!'' Said Tommy.

''Mom.'' Said Billy

''Are you ok?'' Asked Pietra.

Wanda kissed her kids on their head.

Agatha Shouted a spell at the family.

''No!'' Said Wanda.

Wanda Maximoff DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now