The Scarlet Witch

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''This isn't What Tommy and Billy would want.'' Said Pietra.

Wanda used her magic at America. Send her over to the table. Wanda walked over there.

''Tehy'll never know.'' Said Wanda.

''Mabye not. But you will.'' Said america.


Right now, there was nothing Pietra could do than watch her mother kill her friend.

''Wanda, Stop this!'' Said Pietra But Wanda didn't listen.

''Wanda, please.'' Said Pietra.


They heard a sound from outside. They looked out snd saw something Black coming.

''It is a bird?'' Asked Wanda.

''Is it a plane?'' Asked Pietra.

It was a Strange. One of Wanda's new minions were gonna attack him But some kind of sourcerer magic stopped him. It was Wong. The super Wong. The one and Only Wong.

Strange came up and fighted rest of wanda's minions.

''Strange!'' Shouted Wong.

''Radical.'' Said Pietra.

''Dreamwalking. You hypocritd!'' Said Wanda.

She threw some magic at him But Strange blocked it.

''This time, it's gonna take more than killing me to kill me.'' Said Strange.

While Strange and Wanda had a battle, Pietra tried to help America.

''Do soemthing.'' Said America.

''I don't know What. I think We has to beat Wanda or something.'' Said Pietra.

Strange send some souls on Wanda, sayingshe was a murder. Later, Wong came up on the mountain.

''I don't even wanna know.'' Said Wong.

Strange Then sent Wanda to Wong who trapped. Wanda broke free But the soals kept her inside.

''She's Breaking free!'' Said Wong.

''Hold her!'' Said Strange.

''Strange, take America's powers!'' Said Wong.

Pietra got shocked. Was They gonna kill America after all? Strange looked at America.

''There's no other way.'' Said Wong.

''No, it has to be another way. We can't let her die.'' Said Pietra.

Strange made America free from wanda's powers. He Then runned over to her.

''It's me in other me's body.'' Said Strange.

''You're here to take my power, aren't you?  Before Wanda can. It's ok. I understand now.'' Said Strange.

''No. America. I've Come here to tell you to trusth yourself. Trusth your Power. That's How We Stop her.'' Said Strange.

''I can't control it.'' Said America.

''Yes, you can. You have been all along.  Every time you opened a portal. You sent us exactly Where We needed to go.'' Said Strange.

''What about the frist time?'' Asked America.

''Even that led you to this moment... when You're gonna kick that wotch's ass.'' Said strange.


Wanda broke and threw magic at strange.

''America, do it'' Said Pietra.

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