Kamar-taj again

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It some days after the event of everything that happened. Wong and Strange were in kamar-taj, not suprising. But America and Pietra was there too. They were Being teached How to do sourcerer magic. It was a little hard for America But Pietra did a Good Job.

''How is this so much Harder than Open a multiverse portal?'' Asked America.

''It isn't hard at all.'' Said Pietra.

She Then opened many portals. So many Strange used his magic push her down to the ground do She would Stop. America and Pietra laughed. They saw Wong and Strange walk past. America walked after them.

''Where Are you going?'' Asked Pietra.

''I'm coming soon.'' Said America.

Pietra went to spy on America.

''Your parents would be proud. I hope You'll Get to show 'em one day.'' Said Strange,

He was going to go in the Portal But America stopped her.

''Stephen. I'm glad i fell into your universe.'' Said America.

''So am i, kid. So am i.'' Said Strange amd walked inside the portal.

Pietra walked to America.

''He's right, you know. Your parents would be really proud.'' Said Pietra.

America smiled to her. She walked to Pietra, took her hand and They both walked out.

''And, do you think your parents would want a second daughter?'' Asked Pietra.

''I don't know. But i always wanted a sister.'' Said America and hugged Pietra.

I think That's the end for now.

Don't We just love America and Pietra?

I do

Hope you liked this story.

Pietra may or may Not appear again. I hope i can make her Come back

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