The Illuminati

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Pietra woke and found herself in a glass cell.

''Pietra, you ok?'' Asked America.

She was in another cell.

''What happened?'' Asked Pietra.

''I don't know.'' Said America.

America tried to Get a worked to let them out. They could see Strange wake up.

''This universe sucks.'' Said America.

''Take back What i about that this universe was pretty.'' Said Pietra.

''Cloack?'' Said Strange.

Strange tried to use magic But it didn't work.

''Hey. Hey, lab coat. Where the hell Are We? Look, i don't know who you Are or What, you think You're trying to do here, But these situations don't susually... don't work out Well for the nameless scientists, so just...'' Said strange.

A scientist turned around. It was Cristine.

''Cristine?'' Asked Strange,

''Hello, Stephen.'' Said Cristine.

''Au dios.'' Said America.

''Miss Chavez.'' Said Cristine.

''Hey.'' Said Pietra.

''Miss Maximoff.'' Said Cristine.

''To answer your question, you Are in a highly secure research facility. The three of you along with your sentient cloak, Are here for surveillance and testing.'' Said Cristine.

''Uh... Uh. Testing?'' Asked Strange,

''Well, yes. You're visitors from another universe. Your ,agmetic signatures could ne radioactive, you ,sh be carrying diseases We just don't have treatments for.'' Said Cristine.

''Well, Although Thanks snapped away half the universe it still came a virus in 2019 called the corona virus wich spread around the world in 2020. Many people got it But it started to die out in the end of 2021 and the start of 2022. But Then monkey pox came. But as far i know, not many has it.'' Said Pietra.

They all looked at her.

''I like reading.'' Said Pietra.

''Hence, these amazing polycarbonate fish bowls.'' Said Cristine.

''I assume i have you to Thank for these Then?'' Said Strange.

''Yes. I devoloped those using the sands of nisanti. One of 838 stephen's magical relics.'' Said Cristine.

''838 Stephen? Is that some kind of cyborg me, or...'' Asked Strange.

''Our universe is 838, amd We've designated yours 616.'' Said Cristine.

''Oh, you guys sure must know a lot about the multiverse If you got someone going around naming realities.'' Said Strange.

''Yes. Me. I'm a senior fellow with the baxter foundation, and i specialize in the multiverse research.'' Said Cristine.

''So how'd you end up working here? Wherever here is?'' Asked Strange.

''Well, i volunteered. At your funeral.'' Said Cristine.

''Thank you for going.'' Said Strange.

''Your injuries, They're similar, But They're not identical. It's facinating.'' Said Cristine.

''What were We to each other in this universe?'' Asked Strange.

''We never quite figured that out.'' Said Cristine.

''Yeah. Well, That's something We got in common. Cristine, you gotta let us out of here. Everyvone's i. Real danger. Look, i know you don't know me...'' Said atrange.

''and i don't aand to. Whatever i was to yoy in your universe does not matter.'' Said Cristine.

''Why not?'' Asked Strange.

''Because your dangerous, Stephen.'' Said Cristine.

''Someone from my universe wants that girl, and She's gonna rip this place spart atom-by-atom until She gets What She wants. So i don't care if You're from the avengers or S.H.I.E.L.D..'' Said Strange.

''We're neither.'' Said Mordo who came In the room.

''Well, What Then? HYDRA?'' Asked Strange.

''The Illuminati will see you now.'' Said Mordo.

''The Illumi-what-y?'' Asked Strange.

He Then was taken out of his scell to see the Illumi-what-y.


After a while, an alarm started and the robots started to run.

''Everybody out. Now!'' Said Cristine.

''It's Wanda.'' Said America.

Cristine opened Pietra's scell. Pietra Then went out. Cristine were then Gonna Open America's scell But it didn't work.

''What's going on?'' Asked Pietra.

''It won't Open.'' Said Cristine.

Her and America tried the three circles.

''Your sealed Shut.'' Said Cristine.

Pietra went to see What happened. The Illumi-what-y was killed. Bad for them. Pietra could see Wanda.

''Come on, She's coming.'' Said Pietra.

Cristin found something to break the glass.

''Ok. Get back.'' Said Cristine.

She hitted the glass But nothing worked. Wanda came closer and closer.

''Cristine!'' Said Pietra frightened.

America Then hitted the glass and it carcked.

''Enough!'' Said Profesor X.

He used his mind control to control Wanda. While he did that, America broke the glass and jumped out. She grabbed Pietra's hand and They Two and Cristine started to run. Ghey saw a shadow coming their way. It was just Strange.

''Hey, you all right?'' Asked Strange.

America runned to Strange and hugged him.

''You ok?'' Asked Strange.

''Yeah.'' Said America.

''This, Cristine, it's adorable.'' Said Pietra.

''Xavier Said i built a waypoint to the book of vishanti. Can you take us there?'' Asked Strange.

''How am i suppose to Trust you?'' Asked Cristine.

''I know What happened, and I'm sorry for What he did, But belive me, the book of vishanti is the only way.'' Said Strange.

''Yeah. Your way. You sound a lot like my Stephen right now. He had to be the one holding the knife, and Then that knife killed a trillion people.'' Said Cristine.

''This Stephen is different. He is. It dosen't matter about all the other Stephens. You're not like them?'' Said America.

''Smart kid.'' Said Strange.

''Are We just gonna forget about How i talked about a virus that existed before i was born?'' Asked Pietra.

The light started to flick.

''Tove me your hand.'' Said Cristine.

She got the handcuffs off.
(Finally, i remember the Word,)

''Do not make me regret this.'' Said Cristine

''I won't.'' Said Strange.

They heard a bang. America tok Pietra's hand.

''Can We go now?'' Asked America.

''Yeah, follow me.'' Said Cristine

They started To run. They runned through a tunnel which went under the tunnel. Wanda was right behind them. Pietra ran the fastest her little legs could. They kept and kept on running Thill theu came to a door which only Strange could Open. And he did.

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