The Mysterious Girl

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The Maximoff were walking for trick or treat.

''this is it. Game time.'' Said Tommy.

''It's not a competition, Tommy.'' Said Billy.

''It is If You're a winner.'' Said Tommy.

He runned to a house.

''Tommy.'' Said Billy and Pietra and followed their brother.

The trick or treated at a house. They got some candy and runned back to their mother snd uncle.

''Next house, Mom.'' Said Tommy.

''Junktor entrepreneur, over here. How about you let Uncle P help you maximize your candy acqquosilion, Huh?'' Asked Pietro.

''Yeah. Kick-ass!'' Said Tommy.

''I feel the need...'' Said Pietro.

He grabbed tommy's hand.

''For speed.'' Said Tommy.

Billy grabbed tommy's hand. Before Pietra could grab billy's hand, Pietro had already super speeded away with the boys. Pietra looked at her mother.

''Boys can be jerk Sometimes.'' Said Wanda.

''I'm not so suprised by Uncle Pietro, But i though Billy and Tommy would want me there.'' Said Pietra.

Wanda felt bad for her little daughter. She looked sad. And felt left out. Two girls who looked two years older than Pietra runned past.

''Bye, Chloe!'' Said One of the girls.

''Stop, Theresa! Mom Said you had to take care of me.'' Said A girl who was behind them.

She stopped beside Pietra. She must be Chloe.

''Hey, my name is Pietra. Wanna go a little trick or treat together?'' Asked Pietra.

''Sure. I'm Chloe btw.'' Said Chloe.

''Let's try over there.'' Said Pietra and pointed at a house.

Thw two girls runned To the house. They ringed on the doorbell. A woman came.

''Trick or treat.'' Said the two girls.

The two girls got some candy. They sat down at some hay and ate some of the candy while talking,

''do you have any sibblings?'' Asked Chloe.

''I have two brothers. You?'' Asked Pietra.

''I have one older sister who is twelw and i have one older brother who is 16. he was pit of town for some days because If school. Now, i fear he'll Come back.'' Said Chloe.

''Why?'' Asked Pietra.

Chloe stared at her.

''It's dangerous here. Your mother dosen't let anyone out of Westview. Sometimes, not even our houses. If you can, please, tell my brother not to Come back. It's too dangerous here. Your mother is too dangerous.'' Said Chloe.

Pietra was confused and scarde. But She didn't know What to think. Billy and Tommy runend to the two girls.

''Pietra, We're going to the next house now.'' Said Billy.

''Ok.'' Said Pietra.

She got of the hay. She looked at Chloe.

''It Was Nice to meet you, Pietra.'' Said Chloe as She didn't say anything about Westview or her mother.

The triplets walked to their mother walked Pietro.

''Have you got a new friend?'' Asked Tommy.

''I don't know. It was something weird with her.'' Said Pietra.

''What type of weird?'' Asked Billy.

''I don't know. Just... Weird.'' Said Pietra.

Wanda Maximoff DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now