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Strange had taken Pietra to Kamar-taj were America, Wong and the sourcers were.

''The scarlet witch.'' Said Wong.

''Wanda's gone. She's got the darkhold and the darkhold has her.'' Said Strange.

Pietra shighed sad.

''The scarlet witch is a Being of unfathomable magic. She can rewrite reality as She chooses, and is peophesized to Either rule or ammihilate the cosmos.'' Said Wong.

''She took over a whole town using her mind. If She gets America's Power, She could enslave the entire multiverse.'' Said Strange.

''So the person you went to Ask for help, and told exactly Where i am, is the person That's trying to kill me?'' Asked America.

''Yeah.'' Said Strange.

''I promise, I'm not Like her. I don't want to kill you.'' Said Pietra.

America smiled at her.

''Suspend teaching at once and arm the students. Kamar-taj must now became a fortress.'' Said Wong.

The sourcers went to Get ready for the scarlet witch. Pietra looked at America.

''I'm sorry for everything that can happen.'' Said Pietra.

''I don't blame you. Your a child. Nothing is your fault.'' Said America.

''I know,'' said Pietra.

America smiled at her.

''But I'm still sorry.'' Said Pietra.

''You don't have to say sorry.'' Said America.

''Sorry.'' Said Pietra.

America looked at her.

''Sor... I'm just gonna be quit.'' Said Pietra.

''I like you little one.'' Said America and leahed her arm around her.

Pietra smiled. She was happy america wasn't angry at her,

''I'm Pietra, btw. Pietra Natasha Maximoff.'' Said Pietra.

''I'm America Chavez.'' Said America.

''I like your name. Do you like rea...'' Asked Pietra But stopped when it became dark and They heard a sound.

''I think We can Wait with the questions to later.'' Said America and dragged Pietra longer in the house.

''I agree.'' Said Pietra.


They didn't know What was happening outside But something were happening. A little peaces of the house feld down.
(I don't think i writed everything right. English isn't my first language)

Soon, Strange and Wong came. America tok Pietra's hand and runned to them.

''We gotta Get you both out of here. Now.'' Said Strange.

He started to make a portal.

''Wong, What happened?'' Asked America.

''Kamar-taj has fallen.'' Said Wong.

''I'm so sorry.'' Said Pietra.

''It isn't your fault, Pietra. you don't have to say sorry.'' Said America.

Before Strange could Open the portal, all the doors became locked. They could hear screams. Then two sourcers were dragged down in the flor.

''reflections. She's using the reflections. Cover them.'' Said Strange.

They started to cover all type of reflections, But wasn't fast enough. Wanda found a way to Come out.  America held Pietra thight.

''You gave all those lives just to keep me from my Children.'' Said Wanda,

''You took those lives. You cannot be allowed to cross into thr multiverse. I Wonder If you cam be allowed to call yourself a mother.'' Said Strange.

''I'm not a monster, Stephen. I'm a mother.'' Said Wanda.

''Wanda, you only have one child who is scarde of you now.'' Said Strange.

''Only because i want her to be with her brothers.'' Said Wanda.

''Billy and Tommy don't exist.'' Said Strange,

''Oh, But They do. In every other universe. I know They do. Because i dream of them every night.'' Said Wanda.

She showed the dark hold and showed all her dreams.

''We're gonna show it.'' Said Billy.

''Mom, watch us. Mom!'' Said Tommy.

''Go long. Got it! All right, go on back, go on back.'' Said Billy.

''All right, Yeah. Don't... don't you dare'' said Tommy.

They watched a dream were Billy snd Tommy were playing with a ball.

''Of my boys. Of our life together.'' Said Wanda.

''Here.'' Said Wanda from the dream.

''Yes!'' Said the two boys.

''Where's your sister?'' Asked Wanda.

''Reading in her room.'' Said Tommy.

''Can i have some?' Asked Billy.

''Please.'' Said the two boys.

''Are you guys ready?'' Asked Wanda.

''It's ok.'' Said Tommy.

''I love you, Mom.'' Said Billy.

''Every night, the same dream. And every morning... the same nightmare.'' Said Wanda and closed the darkhold.

''What If you reach them? What happens to the other you? What happens to their mother?'' Asked Strange.

Wanda didn't answer. Strange used his magic to make snakes to attack wanda which She destroyed. Wanda Then used her magic to throw Strange and Wong on the other side of the rooms. She the used magic to Get Pietra out of America's arms and threw her on the other side of the room. She Then started to take ameirca's powers. Pietra got up and got so close to america as She could.

''Mom, Stop it!'' Said Pietra.

Wanda didn't listen.

''Stop it, Wanda!'' Said Pietra.

An multiverse portal Then opened. Strange runned to Pietra and america and got all three of them in.

Wanda Maximoff DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now