The family

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In a house lived a family who had no idea What was going on. Billy and Tommy were watching tv while Pietra drew something.

Kids, it's time for bed.'' Said Wanda.

''Can We have a little more ice cream?'' Asked Billy.

''Please.'' Said Tommy.

''Please, please please!'' Said Billy.

''A little more.'' Said Tommy.

''Hey, don't make Mom out to be the bad guy.'' Said Wanda.

''The villain it's just a broken hero.'' Said Pietra.

''You Are young, Pietra But know better than the most.'' Said Wanda.

''You know who's the best?'' Asked Billy.

''Who?'' Asked Tommy.

''2003 tigers.'' Said Billy.

''They suck. They're so bad They suck egg.'' Said Tommy.

''No, They don't. They're the best.'' Said Billy.

''Tommy, If that is billy's opinion, We should respect that.'' Said Pietra.

''Stop acting like a big sister.'' Said Tommy.

''But i am your big sister.'' Said Pietra.

''By 14 seconds.'' Said Tommy.

While the triplets were talking, Wanda walked in the kitchen. Weird things started to happen. Wanda looked in ghe window and saw a woman. Then got an awful pain in the head.

Them the scarlet witch tok over.

''Mom?'' Said Billy.

''Ues, sweetheart.'' Said Wanda.

''Where Are you going?'' Asked Billy.

''Just take out the trash.'' Said Wanda.

''Can We show you something?'' Asked Billy.

''Your not gonna like it.'' Said Pietra.

''Shut it, Pietra!'' Said Tommy.

''This is an awfull idea.'' Said Pietra.

''You Are awfull.'' Said Tommy.

''And your ugly.'' Said Pietra.

''Please don't argue. Your sibblings. Your suppose to love each other.'' Said Wanda.

''Yes.'' Said Pietra.

''Sorry, Mom.'' Said Tommy.

''And sorry to you, Tommy.'' Said Pietra.

''And sorry to you, Pietra.'' Said Tommy.

Wanda walked into the living room.

''What did you want to show me?'' Asked Wanda.

''Ok, Mom. Listen to this. I'm gonna start.'' Said Tommy.

''No, i wanna start it.'' Said Billy.

''I wanna start it.'' Said Tommy.

''Pietra, you start it.'' Said Billy.

''I don't want to.'' Said Pietra.

''Them i start it.'' Said tommy.

''No, i do.'' Said Billy.

''Why won't all three of you start it, whatever it is, together?'' Asked Wanda.

''Ok.'' Said Billy.

''You ready?'' Asked Tommy.

''No.'' Said Pietra.

''Three, two, one, go.'' Said Billy.

''We like ice cream like every Children should and If We Get ice cream Get some ice cream We promise to be Good.'' Sang the triplets.

Wanda smiled.

''It was not my idea. My idea was drawing something.'' Said Pietra and gave Wanda a drawing of the family. Wanda again smiled.

Sudenly, the scarlet witch feld out of the dream walking. Wanda feld down and landed on the floor. Pietra got scarde and layed her hands infront of her mouth in shock. Tommy runned to their mother while Billy helped his shocked sister to walk.

''Mom, What happened?'' Asked Tommy.

''Are you ok?'' Asked Billy.

''Mom.'' Said Pietra.

''I'm ok. I'm ok.'' Said the real Wanda.

''I was so scarde.'' Said Pietra amd gave her mother a hug,

''I'm ok, sweetie. I'm ok.'' Said Wanda.

Authores note:

So, in Westview We see How much Pietra wants to be a Good older sister. So, in this universe, i wanted Pietra to be a little diffrent. Like, when scary things happens, She's more scarde than trying to be brave.

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