The new universe

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The trio feld through many universes. Many weird ones too They were cartoon caracters in one and pointing in another. At the end, They got in a universe and landed on the roof. They landed on their backs at sat up.

''You ok?'' Asked Strange.

''I am.'' Said Pietra.

''You saved me.'' Said America.

''I hope so.'' Said Strange.

They stanted up.

''Suprised you didn't puke.'' Said America.

''It's not my forst weird trip, kid. So, this is New York in the multi...'' Said Strange.

He runned to a little fountain and threw up.

''Yep. There it is.'' Said America.

Strange comtiued vomiting.

''You ok, Mr. Strange?'' Asked Pietra.

Strange had to continue vomiting.

''That's a no, i guess,'' Said America. She loked at Pietra. ''Do you?'' Asked America.

''No, I'm Good.'' Said Pietra.

Strange was finish throwing up.

''Crap.'' Said Strange.

He looked at his cape. It had a hold in it.

''Yeah, you got pretty Singed up.'' Said Strange. He tok the cape on.

''sorry.'' Said Pietra.

''It's ok. I'll Get him fixed.'' Said Strange.

''Pietra, you gotta Stop saying sorry for What your mother does.'' Said America.

''I can't help it.'' Said Pietra.

''Look at it this way. Everytime you don't say sorry, you Get a cookie.'' Said America.

''We can try that.'' Said Pietra.

''All right, America. You gotta Open a portal and Get us back there right now.'' Said Strange.

''I don't know How.'' Said America,

''You just did it.'' Said Strange.

''Not on purpose.'' Said America.

''Wong is back there alone with Wanda, and I'm the only hope he has.'' Said Strange.

''I can't control my powers...'' Said America.

''You must be able to control it somehow. Even i could... sorry. Well, What about this univerde's version of you? Mabye She could control her powers.'' Said Strange.

''This universe dosen't have a me.'' Said America.

''What?'' Asked Strange.

''None of them do.'' Said America.

''But How do you know that?'' Asked Strange.

''Cause I've looked. And 'cause i never dream.'' Said America.

''Dreams Are one If my escapes from reality. I can't imagine How it feels not to dream.'' Said Pietra.

''It's ok, kid. And even If you could Get me back there, i have no way of fighting Wanda.'' Said Strange.

''What about the book of Vishanti?'' Asked America.

''Vishawhat?'' Asked Pietra.

''Vishanti. Other Strange thought it could Stop whoever was after me.'' Said America.

''Yeah, Well Good for other me. He's not here, is he? I don't know Where it is, so Unless There's another other me...'' Said Strange.

Then They realized.

''We need to go find...'' Said America.

''Other other me.'' Said Strange.

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