The new story

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It was a Lovley new day. Wanda and Pietra was outside. Pietra had found some flowers and were now in a tree, making a flower crown for her mother since She had seen tired and sad for the past days.

''Be careful up there.'' Said Wanda.

''Yes, Mom.'' Said Pietra.

Wanda smiled. She lost her two boys But at the end of the day, She still had her daughter.

''Apples, right?'' Asked a man.

It was Strange.

''Eventually.'' Said Wanda and gave a stick to Strange.

''Smells...'' Said Strange.

''Sweet.'' Said Wanda.

''I was gonna say real.'' Said strange.

Pietra Then couldn't help But smell at the flowers that were gonna be Apples.

''Do you like Apples, kid?'' Asked Strange.

''Yeah. Who Are you?'' Asked Pietra.

''Dr. Stephen Strange.'' Said Strange.

''I knew sooner or later you'd show up, waiting to discuss What happened at Westview. I made mistakes, and people were hurt...'' Said Wanda.

''But you put things right in the end, and that was never in doubt. I'm not here to talk about Westview.'' Said Strange.

''I don't want to intrupe But i think it wouldn't be an bad idea to do it. Just, make a little talk so it don't happen again.'' Said Pietra.

Wanda smiled.

''You Are young, Pietra, but know better than the most.'' Said Wanda.

''And If You're not here to talk about Westview, What Are you here for?'' Wanda Asked Strange.

''We need your help.'' Said Strange.

Wanda turned to her daughter and helped her down from the tree.

''With What?'' Asked Wanda.

''What do you know about the multiverse?'' Asked strange as They started to walk.

''The multiverse. Vis had his theories. He belived it was real amd dangerous.'' Said Wanda.

''Well, he was right about both. We found a girl who can somehow travel across it, but She's Being pursued.'' Said Strange.

''Pursued by who?'' Asked Wanda.

''Some kind of demon. One thay covets her powers for itself. We've taken her to Kamar-Taj, and We've got our defenses, but We could use an Avenger.'' Said strange.

''There Are other avengers.'' Said Wanda.

''Yeah, but given the choice between the archer with the mohawk and several bug-themed crime fightere, or one of the most powerful magic-wielders on the planet... it's an easy call.'' Said Strange.

''It makes scense but If you think about it, Ant-Man can make himself big and step on everyvone in his way while Hawkeye... is Hawkeye.'' Said Pietra.
(Don't Get me wrong. I love Clint)

''That is true, but We're going to Get your mother back on the lunch box.'' Said Strange.

''That would be a cool lunch box.'' Said Pietra.

''What If your brought America here?'' Asked Wanda.

''Here?'' Asked Strange.

''Yeah. Although i have Pietra, i still feel lonely. We can understand each other.'' Said Wanda.

Wanda Maximoff DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now