Talk with Agnes

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It was a new day. The triplets runned inside their mother's room.

''Mol Are you coming down soon?'' Asked Tommy.

''Mom, our game is freaking out.'' Said Billy

*Earlier that day*

Tommy and Billy were playing video games. The controllers turned into other controllers. Then some others. Them UNO.

''That was weird.'' Said Tommy.

''What do you think, Pietra?'' Asked Billy.

Pietra sat in the couch and Readed a book. The book turned into a color book. Then into a christmas present. Then into an iPad with a kissing scene from Godzilla on it. With the actor Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. Pietra's eyes wide opened. Then it runend into a bird and it flyed out the window. Then it runend into a pc. It feld and got broken. Now the triplets were really confused.


''Is she asleep?'' Aksed Tommy.

''Mommy's not sleeping, honey. She's just resting her eyes.'' Said Wanda.

''Mom, my head feels weird. It's like, really noisy. I don't like it.'' Said Billy.

''Resting her eyes.'' Said Wanda.

Tommy and Billy walked out. Pietra sat at the Edge of the bed.

''Mom, you have powers. Dad have powers. both Billy and Tommy have got powers. Why don't i have powers?'' Asked Pietra.

''I don't know honey.'' Said Wanda.

''Is it something wrong with me?'' Asked Pietra.

''Pietra. Resting her eyes.'' Said Wanda.

Pietra got of the bed and down the stairs. She saw her brothers fighting over the controller.

''I got it first!'' Said Tommy.

''You always Get to it first.'' Said billy.

Pietra just ignored them and found a new book. She sat down and read it. But she stopped when she saw her mother coming walking down the stairs. She went over to the kitchen. Pietra just thought about mindimg her own bussins and read the book.

''Have you seen your dad?'' Asked Wanda.

''Um, no.'' Said Tommy.

''Do you wanna go look for him?'' Asked Billy.

''Well, of he dosen't wanna be here, There's nothing i can do about it.'' Said Wanda.

She took the controller and turned on The weather,

''Hey, Mom, last night, uncle Pietro Said that thing about re-killing dad?'' Said Pietra.

''Don't belive anything that man Said. He'd not your uncle.'' Said Wamda.

''Who is he?'' Asked Tommy.

''Here's the thing, kids. I'm your mim. And as such, you were counting on me to have all the answers, right?'' Said Wanda.

The triplets nodded.

''Well, i don'y. I have... no answers. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nsda. Niente. I'm starting to belive that everything is... meaningless. You're Welcome to draw your own conclusions, But That's just Where I'm at.'' Said Wanda.

The triplets looked at each other. Was this a Good time to run?

Wanda sat down between her kids. Someone knocked on the door. Wanda used magic to Open the door. Agnes came inside

''Hi, Agnes. Come on in. I'd Get up, bit i just don't want to.'' Said Wanda.

''Hey, kiddos, Why don't We give your Mom some me time?'' Asked Agnes.

''Agnes, Are you sure?'' Asked Wanda.

''Oh, abso-positively. Come on, let's go, guys.'' Said Agnes.

''Do We have to, Mom?'' Asked Tommy as the triplets stood up.

''Someone needs to be here to take care of you. Like Pietra for exemple. She's Good at it.'' Said Billy.

''Kis, i'll be fine. Just go with Agnes.'' Said Wanda.

''I promise i won't bite. Now, let's go.'' Said Agnes.

Agnes and the triplets walked out


The triplets and Agnes Where at Agnes house. Billy was feeding the bunny. Yommy was whatching tv and Pietra was deeply in her thought.

''Ok, who's thirsty?'' Asked Agnes.

She came with some lemonade. She sat down between the triplets. No one Answerd. Tommy was whatching the tv. Billy just ferdes the bunny and Pietra was too deeply in her thought.

''Penny for you Thoughts.'' Said Agnes to Billy

''I like it here.'' Said Billy.

''Oh, Good. Is it because Senor Scratchy is such a Good listener?'' Asked Agnes.

''No. It's because It's quiet. You're quiet. Agnes. On the imside.'' Said Billy.

''Do you think our Mom is ok?'' Asked Tommy.

''Oh, for sure! Oh, you don't have to worry about your Mom. You're Mom can do anything. She's a supermom.'' Said Agnes.

''The bunny ate all the carrots.'' Said Billy.

''Oh. We have more in the basement. Just go down there you three and Get some.'' Said Agnes.

Billy gave the bunny to Agnes and Billy and Tommy, walked down to the basement. Pietra just sat there.

''Aren't you going with your brothers?'' Asked Agnes.

Pietra looked at her for the first time since She came there.

''You know the Secret about our family right?'' Asked Pietra.

''That you don't like brownies?'' Asked Agnes.

''Not that.'' Said Pietra.

''I know that ypu guys Are magic, Pietra. Your Mom isn't Good at hiding it.'' Said Agnes.

''It's just that, yesterday, on Halloween, both Billy and Tommy got powers. And i still dosne't have one. Do you think there is something wrong with me?'' Asked Pietra.

''No, of course not. You may not have any powers, But that dosen't make you less special. Who was the trippe that didn't cry a bit as a baby?'' Asked Agnes.

''Me.'' Said Pietra.

''Who is the triple who is always ready to comfort their sibblings?'' Asked Agnes.

''Also me.'' Said Pietra.

''Yes.'' Said Agnes,

''But that something everyvone cam do If They want too. It isn't anything important. Nothing special.'' Said Pietra.

''Listen here, Pietra. You may not have powers. But Having powers dosne't make you more or less special. You Are Pietra Natasha Maximoff. You Are a really special person for everyvone you know. For your Mom, for your dad, for your brothers. For everyvone.'' Said Agnes.

It made Pietra smile.

''Now, Mabye you should go down in the basement. I'm starting to think your brothers Are lost.'' Said Agnes.

Pietro gto up and runned down to the basement. Little did She know She shouldn't done that.

Now, i want that little talk between Pietra amd Agnes just to hurt you guys. Sorry.
It probably didn't.
But who cares?

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