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It was a new day and Halloween. The triplets decided to make a movie. Pietra filmed Billy who walked down the stairs in a superhero costume.

''Halloween's a magical holiday. All about friends, family, and the thrill of gettin got be someone Else for a day.'' Said Billy.

Pietra turned to camera to look at her. She was dressed up as Annabelle.

''Wrong!'' Said Tommy.

Pietra made the camera look at Tommy.

''Halloween's about candy. And scaring people, But mostly candy.'' Said Tommy.

Pietra stopped the camera and the triplets went to Get some candy.

Billy and Pietra noticed Tommy didn't have a costume.

''Where's your costume, Tommy?'' Asked Billy.

''This is my costume. I'm the cool triple.'' Said Tommy.

''What does that make me?'' Asked Billy

Tommy Started to think.


Tommy and Billy were dancing just down. Billy failed a step and feld. Tommy couldn't help But laugh.

*flashabck end*

''A dorksaurus rex.'' Said Tommy.

''Nit a real dinosaur.'' Said Billy.

''But What does that make me?'' Asked Pietra.

Tommy started to think again.


Billy feld under the just dance and Tommy laughed. Pietra got irritated of the sound. She couldn't read with all the wound on.

''Turn the sound of. I can't read.'' Said Pietra.

*flashback end*

''I have three suggestions. The only girl. No fun. And bookwrom.'' Said Tommy.

''Just forget i Asked.'' Said Pietra and walked out of the kitchen.

Tommy and Billy followed her. Thye stopped and looked at their uncle who was sleeping at the couch.

''Man. He even snores cool. I'm gonna wake him up.'' Said Tommy to his sibblings.

He took two steps, Then Billy and Pietra stopped him.

''Don't!'' Said Billy and Pietra.

''You two scarde?'' Asked Tommy.

''He'd our uncle.'' Said Billy.

''Why would We be scarde?'' Asked Pietra.

'''cause it's Four o'clock I'm afternoon. You two Are secretly afraid He'd a vampire.'' Said Tommy.

''No, We're not.'' Said Pietra.

''Hes, you Are.'' Said Tommy.

''No, We're not.'' Said Billy.

Pietro super speeded to the triplets. They started to scream.

''Blood is thicker than water! I show you!'' Said Pietro.

The triplets runned. Pietro super speeded infront of them. The triplets Then headed thowards the door But Pietro came there too. Wanda came walking down the stairs, dressed up as a sokovian fortune teller.

''Oh! Somebody better be bleeding, broken, on fire. Or it's Pietra who started her first period.'' Said Wanda.

''What's a period?'' Asked Pietra.

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