The statue

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They got down from the roof and started to walk.

''It's really pretty here.'' Said Pietra.

''There's many pretty multiverse. I can take you on a universe trip If you want.'' Said America.

''Universe trip?'' Asked Pietra.

''Like a road trip. Just in the multiverse.'' Said America.

''Sounds cool, crazy, dangerous and fun.'' Said Pietra.

''It is all of that.'' Said America.

Strange was gonna go over the road But a car came. America quickly dragged him back.

''We go on red?'' Asked Strange.

''Rule nu,ber one of multiverse travel, you don't know anything.'' Said America.

''Right.'' Said Strange.

The light turned red.

''It's red.'' Said Strange and they walked over.

''This way.'' America Wishpered to Pietra.

They runned to a guy who sold pizza. Or, pizza balls.

''Pizza balls?'' Asked Pietra.

''The food is different in every universe, But teast delicous.'' Said America.

She grabbed a ball and They runned back to Strange.

''Rule number two. Find food. Preferably pizza balls.'' Said America.

Pietro tok one and eated it.

''How'd you pay for that?'' Asked Strange.

''It was free.'' Said America.

''Was it?'' Asked Pietra.

They walked past the pizza guy.

''Hey! You didn't pay for that.'' Said the man.

''No it wasn't.'' Said America.

''I got it.'' Said Strange and made the man hit himself several times.

''Come on. It's not permanent.'' Said Strange.

Theystarted to walk.

''Like he'll Stop in a few minutes?'' Asked America.

''About three weeks.'' Said Strange. ''Those universes We went through, were We pointing in one of them?''

''Yeah, you don't wanna Get stuck in there. It's really hard to eat.'' Said America.

''I liked the cartoon one.'' Said Pietra.

''That one is funny.'' Said America.

''How many universes have you been to?'' Asked Strange.

''Uh... seventy-two. Seventy-three, counting this one.'' Said America.

''That's...'' Said Strange.

''Radical.'' Said Pietra.
(See What i did there?'

''A lot.'' Said Strange.

''Memory lane. Replay your signifcant memories, now at discounted price. We remember so you don't forget.''

Strange had stepped on a type of button that showed his memories. It was a memorie If him at a date with Christine.

''This is pretty fancy. Did you have to take put another student loan?'' Asked Christine.

''Nah. I just sold one of those kidneys that We operated on last week.'' Said Strange.

Christine laughed. So, Um, got you a little something.'' Said Christine and gave Strange a present. ''Congratulations.''

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