⚠️Damien wayne x male! reader

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Credit to original artist 

A/n: He will be aged up around 17. A little cliché I guess.

Hair color - H/c

Eye color- E/c

Skin color - S/c

Favorite snack- f/s

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I walked through the hall silent I was thinking about my best friend Damien. Well he was. He hit puberty and everyone was all over him.. but I was there from day one. I was the only one that he used to talk to.. but he can't admit he likes men now that he's popular.. we are seniors now and I feel as though I had lost him.. but he has to still like me right I'm his best friend. I walked into my class which was insanely boring why do I even need to learn math? I sit in my spot and I sigh and rest may face on my hand and I see Damien walk in the classroom and I wave to him and say "hey Damien! Dude Over here!" And he looked over at me and he scoffed and he sat next to the jock Jacob and everyone started laughing at me and I shrank down and put up my hoodie and put my face into my arms on the table.

(Time skip to after class)

As soon as I heard that bell ring I scoffed and rushed out of the classroom. Why didn't Damien say anything? He use to.. I went to my locker and down the hall I see Damien with Jacob and Kyle and I mustered up the little courage I had and marched over there and I say "yo Damien you wanna go get lunch dude?" Despite how nervous I was, I didnt let that stop me I didn't show it either. We had been friends to long for me not too at least try. I watch as Damien looks at his "friends" and then back at me and he scoffs and says "god no why would I ever want to be anywhere near you? Stop acting like we are friends because we're not you fucking nobody." And at that moment I felt my heart completely break. I looked him and tears welled up in my eyes and I was choking on the lump in my throat and the sobs were rattling around inside me wanting to escape and I couldn't take it and I turn away from him and put my headphones in as I quickly rush out of the building not looking back.

Damien POV

I watched as he rushed out and the pain inside my chest grew. Why did I just do that? How could I have done that to him? He's always been there.. it hurt so bad watching his handsome E/c eyes well up with tears.. but Im finally being noticed, being loved. I watch as Jacob and Kyle laugh. Was this all really worth it.. Jacob says "nice one dude come on let's go get lunch." I say "I'd love to but I gotta go I'm getting a dentist appointment so annoying." Kyle says "alright dude see yeah." I nodded and left the building and I knew exactly where he went.

Y/n pov

I ran to my thinking spot in the woods. It wasn't too far from the school. I should have known he would do that shit. Can't risk being gay now that he's in the big leagues.. It was a quiet place where I went in case of panic attacks or something goes wrong. It's my safe spot. He probably wasn't even my friend, he probably just pitted me.. the nice guy act. It was all fake wasn't it. How could I have been so stupid to think someone like him would want me.. would care about me. I thought maybe he'd be a little gay maybe that was all an act.. I started bawling in my knees at the thought.

Damien p.o.v

I walk through the forest and mumbled "fuck." And a branch brushed across my face and scratches my face and I wipe my cheek with my sleeve and I see blood and whispered "fucking great.. I deserved that." A walk a little further and I hear sobbing and I felt my heart clench I went over and sat down in front of him and I whispered "hey.." he doesn't return the hello instead he says pissed "what the hell do you want we're not friends remember?" I was shocked because he had never once talked to me Like that I say "oh come on (y/n) you know it's not like that." I watch as he shot up from his spot and said "not like what huh?! I thought we were friends! And then all of a sudden your balls drop and now you have all the pussy you could ever want and everyone bending to your will so I'm no longer relevant to your needs! Not that I would ever let you touch me! Oh and another thing you-." I had enough and burst out with "I didn't mean too! I had to do this I have a reputation to up hold I'm Damien Wayne! Look I don't ever want to leave you!"

Y/n p.o.v

I listen to him rant and I was quite and I whispered "so what are you saying Damien..." Damien looked at me and says "I'm saying I... god damn it I like you y/n I like men you idiot." I looked at him shocked and before I had a chance to process any more he kisses me.

All my worries slowly dissolve from my body and I place my hands on his chest and my eyes slowly shut. I feel as Damiens hands slowly go down my body down to my waist. Damien pulled away from me and he slowly started kissing me down my neck and he slowly backed me into a tree and I felt his hand slowly start to slide into my pants and I pushed him back and blushed and whispered "we can't do this here.." Damien nodded and whispered "yeah I'd hate for this to be your first.. I'll come over tonight your parents are still on that business trip right." I nodded and he says "good I don't want Todd, drake, or Grayson walking in on us.." I chuckled softly and we walked back to the school.

As soon as we got close to the campus he let go of my hand but I thought nothing of it. When we went in Lunch had ended and so we parted ways and I headed to my fifth hour class. The whole class I couldn't stop thinking about the kiss. Yeah I've been kissed before but nothing like Damien. It felt so right. I got a semi hard thinking about it and my face flushed and I covered up.

After the last bell ring I ran out of my classroom with a smile on my face and I went to my locker and packed up my stuff and took my backpack out and zipped it up and slung it over my shoulder and shut my locker and locked it. I looked down the hall and I saw Damien and I smiled and walked over and smiled and says "hey Damien." And his friends Kyle and Jacob laughed and Jacob says "dude isn't that the guy that made a fool out of himself and Damien doesn't care about." Kyle nodded laughing. I looked at Damien and say "are you going to tell them?" He didn't say anything he stayed quiet and looked passed me and I whispered "fine.. forget it." And I stormed out of the school.

Later that night

I was pissed at Damien while sitting in my room watching YouTube it was around nine PM when I looked up at the clock I sigh and I reached into my bag of f/s. I went to take a drink of my water but I realized It was all gone. I get up from my place on my bed and I grab my water bottle and walk downstairs I said mumble to myself "why would he do that to me lead me on I was so stupid I think that they're actually could've been something.." I shook my head disappointed in myself And I filled up my water bottle and started walking up the stairs.

I walk in my room and then saw Damien and I growl at him " what the hell are you doing here." Damien says "I just wanted to see you.. I told you I'd be coming over." I couldn't believe he actually came my happiness was there for a slight second that he kept at least one promise but then I remembered the previous events from earlier and I quickly snapped out of it and I looked at the window of where he came in and I growl "get out of my room, get out my house, and get out of my fucking life." For second I see hurt spread across his face but at this moment I really don't care. Damien says "look Y/n I'm sorry!" I reply with "yeah and I'm sorry that I kept believing everything That you said and for a few moments I even actually believed you loved me."

Third person

"I do love-" Damien started to say but gets interrupted by Y/n saying "get the hell out out Damien.. don't make me says it again!" Damien says "would you at least let me finish." and takes a step closer. Y/n steps back into a wall and says "Damien stop I know your just doing this because you need some toy to-" Damien growled and cut y/n off with a deep passionate kiss. Y/n slowly started to melt into the kiss but he remembered what he did and he shoved him off. Damien says "your not a toy to me..." Y/n then said "I can't do this with you if you can't even tell you so called friends about us being friends.. or I don't even think you would tell them if we did become a thing." Damien says "But Y/n I just- " y/n was fed up with it and he says "no I can't even trust you anymore.. I don't know if I wanna do this anymore." And he got away from him and sat on his bed. Damien had never felt such a connection with someone and he wanted to fight for y/n and he whispered "Y/n please I'll do anything I can't lose you. I need you. I'll tell them first thing tomorrow." Y/n looked in his eyes and he whispered "no. Get out Damien.. I can't do this. You fill me with an empty promise and then you tear away all the hope I have.. and I'm sick of it.." Damien whispered "please I-" Y/n snaps "I said get out!" And he left the room and went downstairs leaving Damien in the room alone and without another word he leaves.

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Part 2?

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