⚠️💨Dabi x male!reader

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Credit to original artist ♥️

(We're gonna age up all the characters to like 17-18 Dabi will be 21?)

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(We're gonna age up all the characters to like 17-18 Dabi will be 21?)

E/c - eye color
Y/n - your name
L/n - last name

Y/n pov

I lay in bed glaring at the words written along my wrist. "I could kill you right here. And no one would care." Yep. Since the age of 12 I've had it written on my wrist and I hate it. The amount of times I've tried to carve it out of my skin. How many times over I've thought about what I would say to them. Over and over. I remember how much it hurt me when even my parents would bully me for it. Saying such things as "your so useless that not even your soulmate wants you." And all the kids in middle school thought it was hilarious that I was so unwanted by anyone. They would laugh and poke fun everyday. But I got accepted into U.A and from then on I'm not going to let anyone push me around ever again. I glance over at the clock and I get up and get into my uniform. I put in my headphones and I hit shuffle as I left my dorm and locked my door, energy drink in hand. As I walk to class I hear a very familiar voice call out "hey y/n wait up!" I stop and turn around seeing kirishima running towards me leaving bakugo in the dust and Bakugo yells "slow down shitty hair I'm not running!" My two best friends in all of U.A. Sure bakugo was an angry and grumpy man but so was I so we kinda just clicked.

Time skip

I was sitting at my desk drinking my energy drink and dozing off, not even paying attention to the lesson Mr Aizawa was teaching, tapping my fingers on my desk.

I was sitting at my desk drinking my energy drink and dozing off, not even paying attention to the lesson Mr Aizawa was teaching, tapping my fingers on my desk

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(You sit where jiro is)
I hear snickering from behind me and I clench my fist irritated. I suddenly feel a paper ball hit the back of my head and I stand up from my chair and turn around and say "alright who was it.. come on fess up.." it was quiet. Aizawa says "what are you talking about L/n..." I growled and say "someone threw a paper ball at the back of my head and I know who I'm just waiting for them to come clean.." there was a sudden burst of laughter from one person. Mineta. I chuckled darkly and say "oh so funny... wanna explain your reasoning grape?" Mineta says " oh come on it was funny!" I raise a brow and say "oh it was, was it? You're the only one here laughing.. So why'd you do it?" Mineta says "because no one likes you not even your soulmate!" I chuckled and then burst into laughter and say "oh no no no mineta it's you that no one likes! We watch you DRAW your soulmate words on. We all know you don't even have anyone! Mine may hate me but at least I have one." And I watch as mineta runs out of the classroom crying. Aizawa says "y/n.. was that really necessary.." I look at Aizawa in disbelief. "Yes! Yes it was! I've had to deal with that shit forever and I'm done being pushed around!" I say clenching my fist. Aizawa says "i understand L/n. He did deserve it.. but next time do it not in the middle of a lesson." I sit down and mumbled "whatever.." and I put my headphones in annoyed.

X Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now