☁️💨Eddie Munson x male reader

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Short little eddie x male reader chapter. Enjoy

Y/N pov

I look at myself once more in the mirror and take in a deep breath. I had on a long sleeve crop top and then some black shorts with fishnets underneath them. I felt like I was missing something but I didn't know what and I shrug and I moved my hair out of my face and I heard a honk outside and I immediately knew who it was and a smile spread across my face and I adjusted my shorts and quickly put on my cologne then sprint down the stairs and out the front door.

I see Eddie smirking in the front seat and I smile and I feel his eyes scan my body and I blew him a kiss with a wink and then got into the van and he was staring and I looked at him and said "whatcha looking at hun?" And he didn't utter a word as he pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately and I let out a soft moan. He pulled away softly and we were both breathless and he mumbled "just looking at my handsome twink boyfriend." I laugh softly and say "well that was almost sweet." He chuckles and says "I can't help the facts babe." I laugh softly and kiss him softly and I whisper "you're so mean to me."  Eddie laughs and says "oh you know you like it." And I smirk and say "hm I don't know do i?" Eddie kisses me softly and mumbles against my lips "brat." And I laugh softly and whisper "oh yeah i am." And he chuckles and says "i know." And kisses me softly and it started as a few small pecks and they slowly got longer. Lasting for 5 seconds. Then 7. Then 10.

I pull away and whisper "baby calm down, i can feel you poking my ass." And he just laughed and put his head in my neck and whisper "I can't help that you make me feel this way.." I kissed his head and whisper "oh did i do that?" Eddie looks at me with a 'really' look and says "you idiot of course it was you who else?" And he bit my neck and I let out a soft moan. And I feel him smirk against my neck and I mumble "don't you dare." Eddie says "oh i will but after i get some weed in my system. i can feel myself sobering up and I'm not going to start railing you and then start crying." I kiss his lips softly and mumble "but that means I have to get off your laaaaaaap." And he moves me onto the passenger seat and I grumble. I look around and say "eddie baby?" And he responds with "hmmm?" I mumble "can i have some?" And I watch as the smirk reappears on his face and he says "really? Usually you decline when i offer and say you'll stick to your cigs." I shrug and mumble "I don't know I'm just.. in the mood for some i guess." He handed me the blunt and he says "I'm warning you now." And i cut him off and said "I know I know they're really strong i've done it before. I'll be fine baby". He raises an eyebrow at me and he says "alright... this will be fun to watch."

Me and him pass the blunt back and forth and we go through one more before i say "its really strong blehhhh." Jokingly mocking him and he chuckles and pulls me back to his lap and he kisses me softly and when he pulls away it makes that soft noise that sends electricity through my body. He whispers "don't be mocking me doll." I quickly hid my face in his neck as my face turned a bright red and mumble "i-i wasn't i swear." He kisses my head softly and whispers "you're adorable when you're flustered." I grumble softly "shut up no I'm not you jerk." Eddie raises his eyebrow and he says "do i need to fuck it into you for you to believe brat? I'll have you screaming that you're handsome and only then will you be able to cum." I blush even redder and shake my head and say "I mean th-that sounds fun but n-no eddie." And he chuckles and whispers "awww you're such a good boy." I let out a soft whimper at the name. I mumble "you've been calling me so many pet names today eddie are you feeling alright?" Eddie has a light blush that spreads across his face and he says "yeah and? So what if I want to call my boyfriend cute names.. nothing wrong with that." I smile. And I kiss his nose softly and whisper "you're cute." And he mumbles "shut up." I fake gasp and I get off his lap and say "I see how it is you don't love me." Joking obviously. And he groans softly and says "don't be mean y/n come here I wanna hold you... get your ass over here." I smirk and say "mmmm no I don't think so." And I cross my arms. Eddie went quiet and he was just staring at me and I said "eddie? Hey I'm sorry it was a joke." And I went into his lap and cupped his cheek softly and he grabs my wrist and he softly kisses my wrists and he mumbles "I'm sorry that I wasn't there to help you through it.. I know we didn't know each other but. You didn't deserve to feel that way.. you deserved more.."

I feel myself tear up and I hide my face in his chest and I whisper "you idiot.. gonna make me cry." And he just mumbles "I'm your idiot.." I smile softly and whisper "yeah.. you are." And I feel him kiss the top of my head softly and he says "i mean every word you know that? I love you so much y/n. I know it's cheesy and gross but I do love you. I've never felt this way for anyone.." I feel tears slip from my eyes and I whisper "oh shut up I love you too. Idiot." Eddie chuckles softly and he says "aw is that my nickname now?" I sniffled and mumbled "yes.. idiot." Eddie chuckles and says "well you love this idiot." I say "hmmmmm." To make it seem like I was thinking about it, he gasped and said, "do you not love me?" And he knew I was joking and I said 'I'm sorry I'm in love with another." And he laughs knowing i was kidding and he says "oh really? who is this man?" And I laugh and say "he. Is.... You." Eddie kisses me softly and says "you're stupid." and I just smile and kiss him softly. I say "i may be stupid but we've been over this hun. You chose meeeee." Eddie fake sighs and says "yeah what was i thinking?" And I just laugh softly and say "well then no kisses for you." And his eyes widened and he said "what hey wait no you can't do that. I want kisses, you cute ass." And he starts kissing me all over my face and I start giggling and I cover my mouth and say "noooooooooo i hate my giggle!" Eddie mumbles "oh hush it's adorable." I groan and say "no it's not."

Eddie grabs my face and he had a serious expression on his face and he says "do i need to fuck it into you this is your second time..." my face flushes and I smirk and say "i dont know maybe you do." And I watch as he starts smirking and he says "oh? Really?" And he presses his pelvis against me and i let out a soft whine.



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