☁️(Marvel) Bucky x (gendernutral) Reader

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(This is like a modern day story kinda

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(This is like a modern day story kinda. he's in the military but never lost his arm an such)

E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
F/N - full name
F/f - favorite flavor
F/t favorite topping
(Y/n POV)

I was sitting on my bed sad. I've been in my bed since he left. Who you may ask. I've been in my bed since my boyfriend of 3 years James Buchanan Barnes went into battle for the army. He had been called into a last minute mission. He prefers Bucky My eyes Scan across my bracelet that he gave me for my birthday last year. It had are names engraved in it '(y/n) & James forever 🖤' I couldn't help but be scared he could die at any moment and I would never get him back. I sigh and think 'I need to get up at some point.' I got out of bed and I grab new clothes but not any random clothes. I grabbed some skinny jeans and a black and gray plaid flannel and it was owed by Bucky. I sluggishly walk over to the bathroom. Once I get there I look at myself in the mirror and in my reflection I see my (E/C) eyes red and puffy and my cheeks stained with tears as well with my H/C hair clinging to my face. I wipe my cheeks and shake my head trying to get myself together. I need to believe in him. I pull the curtain closed then I turn on the hot water. I discarded all my clothes and then carefully stepped into the shower.

I finished washing myself and then I turned off the water, pulled back the curtain and then I wrapped Bucky's baby blue towel around my body. I sigh a long sigh and then I put on my clothes. I walk down the stairs leading to the dining room. I grab a granola bar and walk to the coat closet. I grab my dark blue coat and my black boots. I take my keys and then leave the house and start walking to town.

I walk into town and I see the froyo shop that me and James go too year round. I remember from last year Bucky and I had gone sledding and when we were done he asked me what I wanted to eat and I had said froyo. It was so cold yet we sat out in the cold laughing and eating our froyo. I smile at the memory of us together.

I walked into the shop and saw there were only two people getting froyo. I walk over to the bowls and grab a medium one. I go to the froyo machine and I pull the lever for (f/f) and (f/t) and then I go to the checkout and pay for the froyo. I quickly grabbed a spoon and then left.

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