☁️💨Tomura shigaraki x Dom!Male!Reader

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Scenario: fluff and lime (I added some light angst 😅 I couldn't help it I love some good angst!)

Y/n is a dom male.

Out of character shigaraki?

Y/n pov

I groan as I toss around side to side restlessly trying to get comfortable to no avail. I try reaching for my boyfriend but feel nothing except for an empty bed and growl slightly irritated. I opened my eyes to see just crumpled sheets and a pillow in his place. I sit up and drag a hand down my face with a long sigh. He always has to wake up before everyone so that no one suspects him.. me and him have been dating for a little over two months. I don't mind the others knowing but he does. He said he didn't want to deal with the teasing from everyone. I think it's because he didn't want the question of who tops and who's the bottom bitch. And might I say he looks fantastic underneath me squirming. He's definitely really bratty that's for sure. We haven't gotten too far because he's scared that he might hurt me so we're taking everything slowly. My bare chest exposed to the cool air I get soft goosebumps all over my body. I groan getting out of bed and I see one of tomuras shirts laying around on the floor and I picked it up and sniffed it softly and it still smelled of his cologne and a small smile appeared on my face and I quickly put it on and put on my black ripped jeans and with a soft sigh I head to the kitchen.

I made it in the kitchen where Dabi and Twice were arguing about something and toga was a giggling mess. I shake my head and head to the fridge and everything suddenly goes quiet and I say in my groggy morning voice "I can feel you all staring, do you need something?" Dabi says "yeah why the hell are you wearing crusty's shirt." I look down at my shirt and I shrug and say "I don't know it was just in my laundry, maybe he should tell me what it was doing there." Dabi says "that fuckin klutz. I found two of his pants in my laundry." I shrug and say "it's comfy so it's mine now he can suck it up." Toga laughs softly and says "don't tell him that he'll decay your ass." I chuckle and say "I'm too important on this team he wouldn't." And that's when tomura walks into the kitchen and he says "what will I not do?" And he was obviously a little grumpy.

I look at him and cross my arms and smirk slightly and say "decay me for saying this shirt is mine now.. I found it in my laundry.." tomura looks at me and says "I expect my fucking shirt back y/n..." I look him dead in the eyes and say "no shigaraki.." Tomura gave me a "really?" Look and I know he wanted to seem tough to all of the league but I loved watching him squirm. Tomura just rolls his eyes and says "whatever you fucking annoying brat." And he grabs a waffle that twice had made I look at him shocked and say "oh yeah? Fine well at least I'm not a gross crusty gremlin." Everyone burst out laughing and I saw that one actually got to him but I wasn't taking his shit and I say "and your cracked up crust lips. No kiss kiss for the fool with crusty lips. He gets no Bitches your honor!" Everyone was laughing so hard and Dabi says still laughing "y/n he's gonna fucking kill you!" Next thing I know I'm pinned to the wall with everything but his pinky on my neck and I wish I could say I was scared but I wasn't I was just turned on.. it was so cute watching him like this so riled up. Tomura says "y/n you talk down to me like that again and I'll decay you without a second thought.. understand." I just smirk and whisper "next time do it harder." Dabi burst out laughing and the others stifled their laughs and Tomura blushes and he throws me to the ground and there was a slight decaying on my neck but I put my hand on it so he can't see it because I knew he would feel horrible.

Tomura rolled his eyes and left the room and I let go of my neck and I sit up and look at toga and say "so how bad is it?" Her eyes go wide and she says "oh gosh y/n are you okay?" I laugh and say "yeah I'm all good he didn't mean it. He was just angry. I'm gonna go put a turtleneck on." Toga says "are you sure? You don't need anything?" I shake my head and say "nah my quirk should take care of it within 24 hours." Toga nods and says "well I'm here if you need anything at all okay?" I smile and say "of course I will. But all of you, not a word about this to shigaraki." Dabi says "and why not?" I look at him and say "because I said so." Dabi says "alright alright don't get your panties in a twist."

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