☁️Camp camp (max) x male! Reader

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Credit to original artist 

(Aged up to 17 max and y/n went to the camp as kids and now there councilors for a summer job)

Y/n pov

I sit in the second councilor cabin that was put in apparently the summer before this one because they were hiring more help and needed space. Gwen and David still worked here and David would not shut up about how excited he was that I was back and that there was another in his words "super duper special new councilor." That would be joining me in the cabin. It's been a week since I got here and no sign of this councilor. The kids were just as chaotic as I remember we were. David was so excited about this new person I didn't understand why though it's like David had a sugar rush. I get pulled out of my thoughts when I hear David's scream and a loud boom.

I groan as I get up and walk outside to see the little science kid Oliver cackling and there was soot all over David and him and all the other kids were laughing too. I sighed and say "you little shits I had one rule and what was it." The kids sighed and say "no hurting David.." and I say "and why?" And the kids say "because you don't like paper work and David cries to much." David offended says "hey!" And I just chuckled and say "good now off with you all!" They all scatter and I help David to his feet and he says "thanks Y/n golly they are some trouble but nothing like you guys were." I laugh softly and say "yeah no one can be as great as we were." David smiled and says "I'm glad to see you back y/n." I smile and say "I guess it wasn't that bad." David started clapping and says "oh joy!" I roll my eyes and say "yeah yeah hush it or I'll take it back." David says "okie dokie co councilor! My you're so grown up." And he wiped his eye from the tear. I just chuckled and shake my head. A car suddenly pulled into the parking area. David let out a high pitch squeal and he started running and I roll my eyes and head after him.

We get to the parking area and it's a tall man he was at least 6 '1 with black hair and Sunkist skin, all I could see from behind and his ass was pretty nice as he leaned into his back seat to get his suitcases. There were only two. He got back up straight before David full force ran at him and knocked the man over with a hug on the ground and I hear the familiar voice but now much deeper and scruffy say "oh god jeez David what the actual fuck dude ow. You really had to tackle me?" David says "language max! And yes I did oh I've missed you dearly! I thought I'd never see you again." Max groaned and says "dad I've been gone for a few weeks on vacation, calm down." David says "it's still a long time max!" Max pushed David off and he got up wiping himself off of all the dirt and then he looked up at me and I watch his eyes go wide. I cross my arms and i say "maxwell.." venom lacing my words. Max says "oh hey there Y/n long time no see huh? what have you been up to in your years?" I look him up and down and say "none of your damn business and I wish it was longer." Maxwell the dick wad kid who outed me being gay too the whole camp.. because he snooped through my things and found my.. journal. After it came out the only nice ones were ered, Nikki, naris, space kid, Preston, and jasper.. all the other boys were scared that I'd get a crush on them. After that summer I never went back again. Max laughs awkwardly and he says " come on dude it was just a thing of rage! I didn't even know what it meant!" I look at him with an unamused expression and say "men fucking in the ass.. is exactly what you said to me and called me a freak." Max says "dude I was a stupid kid.." I say "well guess what? lucky you gets to sleep in the same cabin with the freak enjoy bud." And I walk back to the kids and sighed softly and quickly run to catch James who was part of trapeze camp.

Time skip 1 hour

David was introducing max to everyone and David says "you see max and Y/n here I knew when they were your age! They went to great ol camp Campbell! Isn't that amazing!" A kid from art camp raised their hand and says "so max and y/n know each other?" I scoff and say "unfortunately... don't trust him with any of your secrets... hes a backstabbing son of a-" and David says "and that's enough of that!" max rolled his eyes. A kid from archery camp says "wait so what adventures did you guys get to do?" A smirk appears on Max's and I's face and he says "well you see.. I was the biggest troublemaker in this joint." I look at him and say "uhhh hello? Remember when I put cockroaches in David's underwear drawer?" Max smirked and says "well what about the time I set the mess hall on fire!" I says "or the time we all revolted and overthrew the camp." Max laughs and says "now that was something for sure remember David's whining." David screeched and says "Max! Y/n! Don't give them any ideas!" A kid from treasure hunting/Adventure camp said "oh but David we're not that smart! We could never pull anything like that off." David says "hey! You can do anything if you put your mind to it kids! Now off to our activity of the day! A scavenger hunt!" Max rolled his eyes and mumbled "oh goody." I says "if you don't like it here leave no one's stopping you.." and I walk with David and the kids not looking back.

Some of the kids were excited, others groaning annoyed. With the funding from the campwells this should actually be a lot more fun then what we had when we were kids. They might actually get a decent prize that isn't cleaning supplies. Watching the kids happy kinda made me happy. Huh.. maybe that's why David did it. It felt good seeing those kids happy. A small smile appears on my face and I chuckled as I hear some of the teams getting competitive. It reminded me of Nikki and anything adventure related. I hear David scream and I quickly rush over to help David Rangel one of the bomb defuser camp kids who had a bomb, and he was helping the adventure/treasure hunting kid, and the science kid who was helping make the explosion bigger.

Time skip 3 hours

We get back to the camp all of us absolutely exhausted. Max caught up to us eventually but he didn't look pleased. He kept trying to talk to me but I'd ignore him and walk away. I didn't want to get called a fag again.. it took me years to cope with everything I didn't need a relapse. David says "alright campers I'm leaving co councilor Max and Y/n in charge while I go into town to get your prizes because you all did so well at your activities today! Now go wash up! And Be good kids!" And David got into the camp car and drove off. I sigh and say "well you heard David go wash up everyone. After you're done go to the mess hall we'll do arts and crafts until David gets back." All the kids but the art kid groaned and headed to the showers. I sigh and started picking up the campground and max says "so that was.. totally a tiring day huh? I mean David makes me hike a lot because he says it's good for the soul." I nodded and say "yeah that definitely sounds like David." Max says "yeah he's annoying but imagine living with him." I look into maxes eyes and then up and down and his face was red.. sunburn.. I say "do you have a point to this?" Max says "dude I just.. I was a huge asshole and I-." "Save it max I don't want an apology from you." And I crossed my arms irritated when suddenly I get tackled to the ground and I hear max let out a Yelp.

Next thing I knew me and max were tied up to the flagpole and I mumbled "well this feels very familiar.." max says "you little shits! Get us down now!" The science kid says "Yeah I don't think so.. we're in charge now bitches!" And they all run off. I sighed and say "well.. this is deja vu." Max chuckled and says "oh yeah.. hey y/n.. I'm sorry. I know you don't Want an apology but I do owe you an explanation." I jokingly say "well I suppose I've got the time." Max chuckled and said "well.. we were friends and I truly enjoyed your company but.. when we got into that stupid fight I got into your tent and found your diary-." I cut him off and say "it's a journal Max." Max says "ah my bad.. but I was blinded by rage so I took that you were gay and told everyone.." I say " yeah I know that Max what are you getting at." Max says "Well.. after you stop talking to me which is completely justified... I realized.. I was missing your company and after a few years.. I realized I was gay too and I guess you were my first guy crush so I wanted to apologize..." and I mumble "I had a fat crush on you Maxwell.." Max blushed and said "wait really?!" I laugh softly and say "well yeah." Max says "I would like to maybe-." Davids shriek went through the air suddenly and he says "what in the gosh darn heck is going on here!"

 I laugh awkwardly and say "well you see there were more of them than us and they kinda just tackled us and yeah..." David sighed and says "golly you two I remember when you both did this to me and Gwen.. which she will be coming back too!" I say "that's lovely David but get me down.." David says "ah! My apologies y/n!" And he cut us free and he went off to give the kids a talking too and David had bought pizza. I took a slice of pepperoni and max says "hmm you know you may be a total dumbass.. but your kinda cool or whatever would you want to I don't know go and get dinner and leave David here with the campers." I say "hmm as tempting as that sounds maxwell.. your going to have to earn a date with me.. and your not completely forgiven yet." And I smirk and says "have fun trying maxwell!" And I walk away.

Max pov

I stare at his nice ass and his hips as they move ever so slightly and I mumbled softly "my gosh this is going to be fun.. he sure is a hard one but I love a good challenge." 

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