⚠️☁️Eddie Munson X Male Reader pt2

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Uhhhh its a meh chapter kinda rushed i hope that you enjoy it though. slightly out of character but yeah here you go.

Steve pov

I run to the trailer and start ransacking it and I mumble to myself "no no no this can't be happening there has to be something anything.." I hear Eddie call out to me and I ignore him and I continue mumbling and I rip open the glove box and suddenly I was slammed against the wall and I look up at the person to see that it was eddie and I say "what. What could be more important than y/n right now Ed's? I.. I can't lose him Eddie, we just can't." Eddie suddenly cups my face and he says "I know but I have an idea Steve but your gonna need to drive like a mad man.. I love him too steve. Just like I like you but that's not important right now you need. To drive to my trailer." I feel my whole face flush and I say "wait you actually like me too?" Eddie's eyes widen and he say "t-too?" And then it clicks "wait Eddie you can't just go to your place there's police everywhere." Eddie says "listen Harrington.. ill do anything for y/n.. ill figure it out just drive." I nod and I start driving and take in a deep breath.

Dustin pov

I sit In front of my brother and I say "come on y/n you need to wake up. I need you to wake up.. your my big brother y/n.. who's gonna watch teenage mutant ninja turtles with me? And drive me to the lake in the middle of the night when I feel sad to just skip rocks and that one time you threw me into the lake and I drag you in and then you get upset because your car got wet." And I laugh softly remembering those times. I sigh and say "you can't leave Steve and Eddie either.. yeah I don't like the idea of you dating them but.. they really care about you.. you know that.. just please fight for us."

Y/n pov

I listen as Dustin talks and (EX) had his hand around my neck and it felt so real but I knew it wasn't. It was vecna and I needed to stay strong for them. I have to stay strong. They would get me out of here. I just had to stall for them. I kick vecna and fight against him and as I flail around he drops me to the ground and I sprint like my life depended on it because it did. And I hear robins voice suddenly come through.

Robin pov

I see Dustin talking to y/n and I smile softly. Maybe he can still hear us. I put my hand on Dustin's shoulder and say "y/n I know you can hear us. You are so brave you can do this. Eddie and steve have gone to get some music to help you. Your a fighter y/n I know you. You can do this. Just run. And stay alive."

Eddie pov

We get to about a block away and Steve parks the trailer and he say "eddie this is a terrible idea what happens if we get caught. what if YOU get caught eddie they will kill you.. we can't risk it Eddie." I chuckle softly and say "it'll be fine Harrington. Besides it wouldn't be the end of the world." I shrug and continue saying "if I were to die it wouldn't be that big of a deal." Steve slammed me against the wall of the trailer. But there was tears in his eyes. I had never seen him cry. Let alone be so upset. And he says "don't you fucking say that Munson you don't understand how much you actually mean to all of us! Especially to y/n.. especially to me.." I stood in shock and I whispered softly "I'm sorry Steve I know.. but I need to do this for y/n." Steve says "I.. I know eddie.." I smile softly and whispered "I'll be okay.. I promise steve now come on lets save y/n." And he nodded and we snuck under the caution tape and we snuck around the back of the trailer park and we got to my trailer. I opened the window into my room and I whisper "alright Harrington stay right out here i'll be right back." He nodded and I quickly go in. I try to stay quiet and all the memories of Chrissy came flooding back and I feel my skin start to crawl. I shake my head desperately trying to forget it all but it wouldn't go away. I grab my Walkman along with a few tapes that we had listened to together and I glance at my guitar and I remember playing y/n a song I wrote and he liked it and I mumbled "ah fuck it." And I quickly grab my guitar. I rush to my window and pass everything down to steve and I jump out of the window and I whisper "alright I got everything now lets go." And I grab my guitar from him and he says "why do you need a guitar eddie." And I sigh and say "just trust me will you." Steve sighs and says "I do trust you eddie. More than you know." I smirk and say "good boy" and I wink at him and watch as his face flushes a bright red and I chuckle. Steve mumbles a small but audible "shut up." And I comment "well id say make me but were kinda on a time crunch steve." And he nodded and we quickly made it back to the trailer and steve quickly took off driving.

Y/n pov

I hide behind a tree panting like a dog, my body covered in sweat and my hand over my mouth trying to stay quiet. I hear an unfamiliar voice go "ooooohhh y/nnnnnn come out already I'm starting to get tired of this game.. how about we just get this over with.. your friends don't need you.. they don't want you and there better off without you." What he said stung but I knew that what he was saying is false my friends love me I know they do. And Dustins my little brother. I know that he definitely loves me. "I'm in your head y/n I will always find you. give up." I feel my breath quicken again. Fuck what am I supposed to do.

Steve pov

I slam on the breaks as we pull into the field and I grab the Walkman and all the tapes and I swung the door open and I sprint down to where everyone was gathered and I say "Dustin quick which one looks like it would work?" Dustin picked up all the tapes and went through them and he says "he likes all of these bands I don't know if he even has a favorite song.." I whisper softly "fuck.. no.. no! There has to be a favorite somewhere in all of these! We can't lose him." Eddie sets a hand on my shoulder and he says "I have an idea.." and he picked up his guitar and he walked back a little so the sound wasn't to loud and y/n started to go up and he started playing. I didn't recognize the tune at all and then he started to scream some lyrics. It wasn't bad at all.

Y/n pov

I claw at the ground screaming and crying as vecna tried to drag me by my ankle and I scream "stop it you ugly freak!" And that just pissed him off more and he pulled and says "enough! These games are over. It is time to accept your fate... good bye y/n." And grabs my face and I stop struggling this was it. I close my eyes when suddenly I hear a guitar riff and my eyes shoot wide open. Eddie. I smile softly and open my eyes to see an opening back to the field and I quickly pull out my lighter and light it then press the scorching metal against his arm and he drops me out of the pure shock and I sprint as fast as i can. I listen to eddies voice and i smile and tears pour down my face. My whole body covered in nothing but bruises and scrapes. It felt like everything was going in slow motion and i avoid all the moving flesh vines trying desperately to grab me and i was trying so hard to survive to get back to them and i was a sweaty and panting mess and i take a leap out into the opening and i wake up to my body falling and i gasp for air and my body covered in the sweat and all the scrapes and bruises and I just lay there a panting mess.

Eddie pov

I watch as y/n falls to the ground and i quickly take off my guitar and I run over to his side along with steve, Dustin, max, and robin. I look at him and he's breathing, his eyes were close and he had a small smile on his face and i whisper "y/n? Wake up.." y/n chuckled softly and he whispers "i just ran for my life for about an hour.. give me a second i need to breathe." I smile and say "and you still have that lovely humor." And me and steve make eye contact and we smile and nod and we both kiss one of his cheeks and his eyes shoot open and he says "w-what the." And me and steve chuckle and Dustin says "ew gross! That's my brother with my babysitter and dungeon master that's so weird and gross!" And all three of us laugh at Dustin and then Dustin throws himself on top of y/n and y/n made a "ack!" Noise and Dustin yelled "you scared me you jerk!" And y/n says "oh yeah like i wanted to get taken by a big ugly flesh monster freak." And we all chuckled and robin says "you know.. steve and eddie ran to your rescue immediately."  Me and steve blush and steve mumble "sh-shut up." And i smirk and say "well that's no fun stevie you look absolutly adorable flustered like that.. doesn't he y/n." Y/n blushed and says "he really does." Steve says "oh stop both of you I'm not flustered at all!" I look y/n in the eyes and I say softly "y/n there's something serious we've gotta talk about." Steve says "yeah.. we do.." and I see the panic in y/ns eyes.

Y/n pov

I watch as Dustin, robin, max walk away from us and I say "I'm sorry did I do something wrong." Eddie says "what no of course not we just.. we need to tell you that." Steve says "well it's just.. me and eddie like you.. and we know that you like us too.. and we also like eachother.. and.." eddie says "if your willing to.. we'd like to try this out.. all of us." My face flushes red and i say "w-wait really you both want to.. actually do this." And they nod and i smile and i hug them both tightly and say "yes! I want to try this more than anything." And they hug me back tightly and we hear Dustin yell "wait how would sex work?" And my face flushes and I yell back "Dustin Henderson! Bud out!" And eddie and steve chase after Dustin and eddie gets him over his shoulder and says "your a little nosy aren't you!" And steve says "I think that this guy needs a.. DOG PILE!" And Dustin screamed "NO WAIT IM SORRY NO!" And i laugh watching them and robin came over and she laughs softly and says "i told you sooooo." And I say "oh hush rob.. I guess you were right.." robin says "we need eddie to record that song on a tape so you can stay safe.." my smile fades and i say "yeah.. i know.. this isn't the end..."

Part 3?

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