☁️(Smosh) Damien x gendernutral! Reader

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Y/n pov

I was walking into the smosh office with coffee for everyone and an energy drink for Damien. I knew today was going to be one of those long days. As I walk in I see Courtney smile smile and wave and she comes running over and says "hey y/n! Please tell me you got me a cup." I say "of course I did, why wouldn't I get my best friend a cup of coffee." Courtney smiles and says "thank you! I didn't have enough time to go get Starbucks because I had an early meeting." I say "I know we were talking about it last night." Courtney says "who is the energy drink for?" And instantly I blush to my ears and say "n-no one." Courtney wiggles her eyebrows and says "ooooo damamin!" (She calls him that sometimes) "Courtney shut up what if he hears you." I hiss at her. She says "oh calm down he's in the office with Shayne and boze." I say "still... besides I've worked here as long as he has and he still talks to me as a friend.." Courtney had her pitty face on and she says "well Ian wants you." I nodded and says "here give this to Damien and hand out the others." She nods and I head to Ian's office.

Courtney POV

I sigh they're so oblivious it's obvious they like each other. I walk into the smosh games room and I see Wes, Mari, and Joven and I say "hey guys y/n got coffee.. but goddamnit it's so frustrating we know they like each other but they just can't confess." Mari says " let me guess Damien and Y/n." As they all grab their coffee I nod and face palm and say "they doesn't think they have a chance because all Damien does is treat them like a friend." Wes says "yeah he can't even say a good pickup line." I watch as Damian and Boze walk into the room and I say "hey Damien! y/n told me to give this to you." Damien smiled slightly and says "I'll have to thank them for it." I smile and said "I'm sure they would appreciate talking to you."


I walk to Ian's office and knock on the door and I hear a faint "come in" come from inside. I carefully twist open the door handle and say "hey Courtney told me that you needed me." Ian says "yes! You weren't here for the meeting this morning so I was going to fill you in. For today's video we're going to be doing a little 1-2 switch from Nintendo but with punishments if you lose you'll understand it more once we do the video because I'll explain it better in the video." I laugh softly and say "okay I was wondering why you called me in it was my day off." Ian say "yeah sorry about that Sarah is sick." I nodded understandingly and I left his office.

I walk to my office and I stretch and then take a sip of my (preferred caffeine). I have an office because I'm not only a member in the videos, I edit a lot of them. I sat at my desk and I leaned back and closed my eyes exhausted and then suddenly hear a knock at my door and my eyes open and I instantly blush seeing Damien. I stuttered "D-Damien hi what do you need?" Damien smiles and says "just wanted to say thanks for the energy drink." I smiled and say "yeah of course I know you can't start the day without caffeine." Damien says "yeah of course I can't wait to see you at the shoot." I smile and say "yeah me too." And I watched him leave. I might as well get some editing done.

( Time skip )

Courtney knocked on my door and says "hey workaholic it's time to shoot the video let's go." And I say "but I'm not done yet I just have to-." Courtney says "now Y/n!" I groan and get up. Courtney grabs my hand and drags me along with her. When we enter the room I see cameras being set up, Mari and Shayne talking, and Matt and Spencer trying to set up the Nintendo.

I walk over to Matt and say "need any help?" Matt being the stubborn dude he is, he says "I've got it!" I laugh and say "okay." I see Ian, Damien, and lasercorn walk in arguing about something. I look at Courtney and laugh and say "those men." Courtney whispered in my ear "but Damian~." I blush and say "shut up."

Ian says "alright everyone come over here we start in five." I glance over and see Damien look at me but he looks away and looks at Matt and Matt starts talking. (Your standing where Sarah is, she's not there) I watch as the cameraman counts down from five and Ian starts the intro. I was standing next To shayne and I start poking him nonstop and shayne playfully cries "guys Y/N is bullying me!" And I gasp and say "I am not!" And everyone laughs. Matt says "first people up let's get some iancorn action!" Everyone in the room cheers. Ian sighs and says "alright alright give the people what they want!"

I glance at Damien and I saw him laughing and I blush and I looked at Shayne and he gave me the  wiggly eyebrows so I shove him and he laughs.

Ian and lazercorn we're doing the game called fake draw. When the two were faking it out me and shayne do the exact same thing And tommy laughs at us. After Ian got dumped with lucky charms and showed off his dick Shayne says "let's have y/n and Damien go!" Everyone cheered and I said "alright let's do this!" Damien laughs at me and I blushed slightly but hid it.

I get up and go to my spot and Damien comes up and he stands in front of me he starts to explain the rules but Ian cuts him off and says "hey you've gotta pick your punishment and no Damien you can't take them into the other room." And he winked and the cast went ooooooooooo. Damien says "aw come on Ian! I'm kidding y/n." It kinda hurt when he said he was kidding. I say "aw come on I'm fun." And I winked and I saw Damien blush and I slightly smirked. Damien picked one and so did I. Damien got mannequin date and I got human water fountain and Matt says "ooooo Damiens favorite." I say "okay well as Damien what's explaining earlier we will be playing sword fight. That sounds wrong in many ways but who cares let's get into this!" I locked eyes with Damien and got in position like fencing and Damien copied me and I laugh softly and I see him smile.

We wait for the okay to start and I watch as Damien takes a cheap shot and me and I gasp and I started blocking his attack and I got a nice few jabs in at him. I saw our hands about to collide and I quickly pull back my hand. Damien ended up winning the first and I won the second and the last one I got him down to one heart but he killed me.

Matt says "oooooo that was so close buuuuuut Damien is victorious! Damien choose there punishment you naughty boy." Damien laughs and so do I. Damien looked directly at me and says "I'll spit water on you?" And everyone in the room burst out laughing Courtney looked at me and mouthed 'this is your chance.' I smile confident and nod.

Spenser handed Damien the water and I got down on my knees and I looked up at Damien and blinked slightly seductively and I see Damien blush. Matt says "this is Sara's punishment and it says I must be in the mouth." And Shayne yells "spit in there mouth!" And we both glare at him slightly. Damien put water in his mouth and I open my mouth and my tongue out and Courtney smirked and started the countdown and says "ready in 3! 2! 1!" And Damien shot the water everywhere and I laughed and say "I got a drop!" And everyone else says "so did we." Ian says "do it again and do it right!" Damien says "do we have to" and everyone says "yes!" Damien got more water in his mouth and I took a deep breath. This was the moment.

Everyone counted down "five four three two o-." They could even finish before I sprung up and kissed Damien passionately. I could tell he was taken back by my actions and we could hear everyone else freaking out. Damien shocked, opened his mouth and the water went into my mouth and it slowly rolled down our chins and after a few seconds I pulled away and I looked at Damien and he said nothing and I whispered "I'm sorry." And I ran out of the studio.

Damien POV

I stood there in shock of what happened. Shayne says "what the hell Damien that was your chance you fucking idiot!" Ian says "cut the cameras we'll be back in five." Courtney came up to me and smacked me in the face and says "you idiot! Now y/n thinks you don't like them!" That's when I snapped out of it I say "shit..." I ran out of the studio and ran to y/n's office but the door was locked and I knocked really hard on the door over and over again and I say "y/n I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to just stand there. I like you y/n I was in shocked when you kissed me I-I didn't know what to do. Your just so amazing and I really like you! Please just give me another chance.." The other side was quite for a good while and then I hear y/n say "you just stood there..." I sigh and say "I know and I'm sorry but I'll make it up to you I promise.. if you want I'll take you on a date after our shoot okay." The door unlocked and y/n came out and says "sounds nice Damien." And I smile in releaf and I reach my hand out to them and they grabbed it and I whispered "you wanna try that kiss again?" Y/n blushed and nodded and I grab there chin softly, lean down and I kissed them softly and they kissed back after we pulled away I smile and say "let's get back to the studio."


I smile at Damien and nodded. We interlock our hands and we walk back to the studio and we walk into spencer making out with a mannequin and me and Damien look at each other and laugh. I say "well what did we miss." And all of a sudden we got bombarded with questions and I look at Damien and smiled. Today was a good day.

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