5 | The Edain

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5 | The Edain


"For the valour of the Edain the Elves shall ever remember as the ages lengthen, marvelling that they gave life so freely of which they had on earth so little."

― J.R.R. Tolkien from Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-Earth


Location: Ondolindë, North Beleriand, Middle Earth

Time: 458 F.A

Three years since the darkness of Morgoth began to increase in Beleriand.

Everyone in the city could sense it, and it irked many who never felt such anxiety and worry of evil coming at their doorstep.

Perhaps like Elemmírë, who sensed it well, who heard much of the deaths of many of her king's kin. One had been Turgon's father: Fingolfin who had met the dark Vala head-on and duelled the mighty Ainu. However, he too fell before the dark lord but not without inflicting damage on Morgoth's form.

So many fell before as the Siege of Angband broke and what the battle had been named truly broke fear amongst them. Dagor Bragollach lost not only Fingolfin but also Angrod and Aegnor. At that moment, the crown of the Noldor was passed to Fingon: the eldest of Fingolfin's children who now ruled Hithlum along with the Edain who dwelt there. [1]

Most of the Edain in Dorthonion began to move East of Beleriand, with most stumbling upon the scouts of Ondolindë and more moving to Dor-Lómin in Hithlum. As for Elemmírë, it was her opportunity to learn more about the other race of Eru. [2]

Her curiosity about the secondborn was probably because of two Edain who arrived in Ondolindë just a couple of weeks ago.

The Edain...were a curious bunch. Elemmírë had read records of the three main houses of the Edain, which was hardly considered a collection with the little amount that was even corresponded between Ondolindë and Dor-Lómin. However, word of the two young Edain from the House of Hador from Dor-Lómin would be the gossip of the entire city. Even when King Turgon himself tried all his best to hide their presence from everyone, a word from court would not be kept in for that long. [3][4]

And it wasn't clearly hidden in how they entered the city, two eagles of Manwë flew in the skies of Tumladen before landing at the King's Square. During that time, she had been in the library, going through reports of new pathways and encampments near the Fen of Serech and the best way to create an accurate set of maps when she heard whispers from outside. [5][6]

Elemmírë leaned out of the window to see the eagles, mouth out in awe at them before she hurried back in and instructed the other acolytes to return to their work. Decades passed and she was amongst the senior members of the loremasters, enabling her to pull in her own students with the aid of Ingolmo.

That evening, she asked Glorfindel if he knew why the eagles had come to Ondolindë and even he did not exactly know the reasons, only knowing that two of the Edain had arrived. When her eyes lit up in shock, her brother immediately regretted ever speaking about it before quickly changing the subject.

Well, he wasn't going to stop her from pursuing knowing about them. Reading about them wouldn't be as good compared to actually talking to them, or at least seeing them in appearance. So, she did what she hated the most: and that was attending royal court balls.

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