10 | Duty is the Death of Love

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10 | Duty is the Death of Love


"...But Turgon hearkened not, and bid them fare now ere it was too late, and"Let Tuor," said he, "be your guide and your chieftain. But I, Turgon, will not leave my city, and will burn with it." "

- by J.R.R Tolkien from The Fall of Gondolin


Location: Ondolindë, North Beleriand, Middle Earth

Time: 510 F.A

Idril and Eärendil were gladly unscathed, maybe with some cuts and bruises but not fatal. 

Unfortunately for them, most of the House of the Mole was killed, some sneaking through the pass but it won't be for long as the other end of the tunnel would be protected.

As she hobbled away from the wall, Elemmírë gently prodded her neck and winced. Her neck was going to go purple soon and talking was going to hurt in a few hours. She would have to find a time to heal it, or else it would be a struggle to move it.

However, that was not her priority as she walked over to Voronwë and Celebrimbor with what was left of the House of the Wing. 

She watched Tuor embrace both Idril and Eärendil in his arms, asking them if they were alright before pressing a kiss at their foreheads. When her gaze then turned to the Sinda and Noldo, she asked the two if they were alright and they both nodded.

Celebrimbor's eyes lingered down to her neck and a look of concern washed over him. As he asked her, Elemmírë brushed it off and assured him she was fine. She had taken both her swords back, finding them where she had dropped them before. However, what irked her were the looks people were giving her.

They had seen her magic. A different magic that they haven't witnessed before from her or from any elf in the city.

She had to thank Tuor for diverting their attention to him, ordering most of the soldiers to head to Great Gate at the West with him whilst some would stay and protect the entrance of the hidden pass. Elemmírë suggested to Tuor that she and Celebrimbor and his followers would head back to the square to gather the last of the people of the city, and the Edain agreed before they left to the west of the city. Idril, Eärendil and Voronwë would stay at the entrance and protect them.

The journey back up was harder. Orcs have already flooded the streets and they did all they can to cut them down. Elemmírë's swords slashed them down, the smell of smoke and orc blood filling her nostrils as she sent another blast of white light from her hands.

Her brothers were going to have serious questions about her new profound magic.

When they finally arrived at the King's Square, they found it to be a battlefield. A mix of what was left of the houses was fighting, barricading the roads from the west and the north.

Within the carnage, she found the familiar golden armour and golden hair along with the longsword - Soronúmë.

"Fin!" She cried.

Glorfindel had spun his head to her and quickly walked over, his face full of relief as he grasped her in his arms. Once he pulled back, he searched her eyes as he asked, "Where's Ingolmo? What happened?"

"Maeglin found out, had me bound at Salgant's home," Elemmírë answered, ending it a little bitter the moment Salgant's name left her lips.

Her brother scoffed and commented, "No wonder why Salgant didn't follow orders. The coward didn't even leave his home!"

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